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Ludwika: A Polish Woman's Struggle To Survive In Nazi Germany

door Christoph Fischer

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493538,056 (2.92)22
It's World War II and Ludwika Gierz, a young Polish woman, is forced to leave her family and go to Nazi Germany to work for an SS officer. There, she must walk a tightrope, learning to live as a second-class citizen in a world where one wrong word could spell disaster and every day could be her last. Based on real events, this is a story of hope amid despair, of love amid loss . . . ultimately, it's one woman's story of survival.Editorial Review:"This is the best kind of fiction-it's based on the real life. Ludwika's story highlights the magnitude of human suffering caused by WWII, transcending multiple generations and many nations.WWII left no one unscarred, and Ludwika's life illustrates this tragic fact. But she also reminds us how bright the human spirit can shine when darkness falls in that unrelenting way it does during wartime.This book was a rollercoaster ride of action and emotion, skilfully told by Mr. Fischer, who brought something fresh and new to a topic about which thousands of stories have already been told."… (meer)
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Toon 3 van 3
Different Perspective on WWII

I found this book interesting in that it deals with an account of WWII from a different perspective than most. It is a fictional story of a real person, a Polish woman who left her farm in Poland and spent the war in Germany. It was not particularly dynamic, and could have used a bit more editing but perhaps this was due to translation issues. ( )
  Castlelass | Oct 30, 2022 |
"As she expected, Ludwika missed her next period and was sure that she was expecting another child. She was delighted that Jerzy would have a sibling, although she couldn't believe how easily she fell pregnant. Almost every time she looked at a man it seemed to happen. At this rate there would be a whole bunch of them. Ludwika laughed at the thought - the more the merrier."

Ludwika was a real Polish woman who was moved to Germany after a soldier took a shine to her. After that, more men took a shine to her and she had several children out of wedlock. After the war, she married another refugee, settled in Britain and had more children. And that's the bones of what we know about Ludwika. Fischer has taken those bones and fleshed out a story though I can't say there's really much more to it then what I've already said. I didn't particularly enjoy reading about Ludwika, I didn't care for her at all. I thought she was quite simple, though, I don't know if she was actually that way in truth or if she was just written that way. I wonder if some of it was due to a male writing a female character. Not that they can't successfully do so, but sometimes that is an issue. ( )
  VictoriaPL | Mar 31, 2016 |
Ludwika, a young Polish woman who was an unwed mother who was forced to give up her child, travels to Germany. She is separated from her family and loses all contact with them as the Reich gains momentum. At first she works for a German family. She sees her status changing, but it really changes when she becomes involved in an affair with the man for whom she works. She suffers an injury and is placed in a camp where she works in the kitchen. She continues to have children out of wedlock until the war is over. I'm skimming over much of the plot so I don't give away too much. While the story is interesting, it is far less so than other stories set in this time period. The author bases the plot on a real life person and comments on his liberties with the plot at the book's conclusion. I never really related to Ludwika and at times I did not really care for her character. ( )
  thornton37814 | Mar 25, 2016 |
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It's World War II and Ludwika Gierz, a young Polish woman, is forced to leave her family and go to Nazi Germany to work for an SS officer. There, she must walk a tightrope, learning to live as a second-class citizen in a world where one wrong word could spell disaster and every day could be her last. Based on real events, this is a story of hope amid despair, of love amid loss . . . ultimately, it's one woman's story of survival.Editorial Review:"This is the best kind of fiction-it's based on the real life. Ludwika's story highlights the magnitude of human suffering caused by WWII, transcending multiple generations and many nations.WWII left no one unscarred, and Ludwika's life illustrates this tragic fact. But she also reminds us how bright the human spirit can shine when darkness falls in that unrelenting way it does during wartime.This book was a rollercoaster ride of action and emotion, skilfully told by Mr. Fischer, who brought something fresh and new to a topic about which thousands of stories have already been told."

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Gemiddelde: (2.92)
2.5 1
3 5

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