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The Boy Who Built a Wall Around Himself

door Ali Redford

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2331,011,088 (3.75)Geen
Boy built a wall to keep himself safe. Behind it he felt strong and more protected. Then Someone Kind came along. She bounced a ball, sang and painted on the other side of the wall, and Boy began to wonder if life on the other side might be better after all. Written for children aged 4 to 9, this gentle full-colour picture book uses a simple metaphor to explain how children who have had painful or traumatic experiences can build barriers between themselves and other people. It will help children explore their feelings and encourage communication.… (meer)
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Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Boy Who Built A Wall Around Himself by Ali Redford is a powerful story of Boy, only referred to as Boy, who has hid his emotions and true self due to trauma in his past. This leads to conflict with others. Someone Kind begins to work at breaking down the wall by talking to Boy, including him in games, etc. Eventually, Boy is able to overcome his "wall". As stated, the story is powerful and occurs all to often in our society. This book can help show adults and children how kind words, patience, and persistence can help break down barriers. Though I wasn't a fan of the illustrations, I did like how black and white drawings were used in conjunction with full color to show the difference between wall and post wall times. The lack of color adds to the bleakness of the earlier time. I also loved how the characters weren't actually named. I felt that this could help children relate to the character of Boy better than if the character were given a name. I do hope there might be a Girl in the future for an additional book in the series to help female students better relate to the concept of the book. ( )
  BookishHooker | Dec 16, 2019 |
This is a picture book to read with adults to help children understand how to trust others to help them when they have suffered something serious and are afraid to share their feelings with others. It would definitely need to have an adult to help children to understand how to trust like the little boy in the story. It is a very powerful story.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Feb 5, 2019 |
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Boy built a wall to keep himself safe. Behind it he felt strong and more protected. Then Someone Kind came along. She bounced a ball, sang and painted on the other side of the wall, and Boy began to wonder if life on the other side might be better after all. Written for children aged 4 to 9, this gentle full-colour picture book uses a simple metaphor to explain how children who have had painful or traumatic experiences can build barriers between themselves and other people. It will help children explore their feelings and encourage communication.

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