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The friends of Richard Nixon

door George V. Higgins

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331753,992 (3.5)1
"The "Boss of Bullet-Lettres" zeroes in on the true political crime story of the century, Watergate. The author brings an attorney's precision and an acclaimed novelist's nuance to "the biggest trial and the greatest theater the country ever saw...the greatest civics lesson in history," as he ironically describes the Senate Select Committee on Campaign Practices hearings. Beginning with the original trial of the Watergate burglars and ending with the "prosecution" of Richard Kleindienst, Higgins sorts through the events, the motives, and the betrayals that tipped an entire administration into a morass of criminal conduct"-- Bookjacket excerpt.… (meer)
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5626. The Friends of Richard Nixon, by George V. Higgins (read 12 May 2019) Although I read All the President's Men (on 1 Dec 1974), and Breach of Faith by Theodore H. White (on 4 Sept 1975), and Blind Ambition, by John Dean (on 4 Dec 1976) and To Set the Record Straight by John J. Sirica (on 7 June 1980) and The Palace Guard by Dan Rather (on 4 Aug 2012) and The Right and the Power by Leon Jaworski (on 27 Nov 2015) and The Last of the President's Men by Bob Woodward (on 24 Aug 2016), I had this book and decided to read it--even though Teddy White's book supposedly makes it unnecessary to read any other book on Watergate. This book reads very well at least in the first twenty chapters or so, but it has no footnotes and no bibliography. Much of the book is based on the tapes and so that part is very reliable . In view of the many years of speculation as to the identity of Deep Throat I found it of interest that this book, published first in 1975, on page 147 says "there are those who think (Mark Felt) had a Washington Post alias borrowed from a dirty movie". The final chapters are very critical of many persons involved int the Watergate story, including all the Senators on the Ervin committee, and of Sirica and some of that commentary is questionable but most of the book is incisive, well written, and good reading, even all these years after Watergate and the time when the book was written. And it confirmed me in my belief that seeking to have Trump impeached when we know he could not be convicted should wait till conviction is likely, just as Nixon was not likely to be convicted till the smoking gun was unearthed.. ( )
1 stem Schmerguls | May 12, 2019 |
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"The "Boss of Bullet-Lettres" zeroes in on the true political crime story of the century, Watergate. The author brings an attorney's precision and an acclaimed novelist's nuance to "the biggest trial and the greatest theater the country ever saw...the greatest civics lesson in history," as he ironically describes the Senate Select Committee on Campaign Practices hearings. Beginning with the original trial of the Watergate burglars and ending with the "prosecution" of Richard Kleindienst, Higgins sorts through the events, the motives, and the betrayals that tipped an entire administration into a morass of criminal conduct"-- Bookjacket excerpt.

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