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Jim Henson's Designs and Doodles: A Muppet Sketchbook (2001)

door Alison Inches

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1582179,067 (4.33)Geen
These imaginative musings, the work of a man who made an impossible world seem completely plausible, show history in the making., Booklist Bert and Ernie were once just scribbles on notebook paper, and the original Oscar the Grouch was purple, not green. Before there were Muppets, there were Jim Henson's designs and doodles. This delightful collection of Henson's early drawings serves as a map to the imagination of an artist whose characters have enraptured generations of children and adults. Almost none of these drawings had been published before the original Abrams edition. From the most cursory of doodles to finished drawings, this whimsical volume of sketchbooks, posters, album covers, story boards, and set and puppet designs celebrates Henson's unique genius and his wild sense of humor.… (meer)
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wonderful--looking through Jim Henson's sketches just makes me feel very silly and happy ( )
  NintendoLaugh | Jul 7, 2009 |
Jim Henson's Designs and Doodles is exactly what the name implies: A compilation of Jim Henson's sketches. Combined with interesting narrative it is a really interesting look at the conceptualization of this genius.
A fantastic, easy read and well worth it. ( )
  heathweaver | Feb 2, 2007 |
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"As children, we all live in a world of imagination, of fantasy, and for some of us that world of make-believe continues into adulthood."
--Jim Henson
"I came to puppetry more through the art side of it. Usually I would start with drawings and then turn them into puppets."
--Jim Henson
"Each of us expressing our own originality is the essence of art and professionalism."
--Jim Henson
"One of the things that I like to do most is to break new ground."
--Jim Henson
"Puppets are fortunate -- they can do and say things a live performer wouldn't touch with a stick."
--From a 1969 Proposal for The Muppet Show
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For Kermit the Frog, aka Jim.
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Before Kermit became "the frog", he was an amphibious creature prone to donning a blonde wig and lip-synching to Rosemary Clooney's "I've Grown Accustomed to Your Face".
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These imaginative musings, the work of a man who made an impossible world seem completely plausible, show history in the making., Booklist Bert and Ernie were once just scribbles on notebook paper, and the original Oscar the Grouch was purple, not green. Before there were Muppets, there were Jim Henson's designs and doodles. This delightful collection of Henson's early drawings serves as a map to the imagination of an artist whose characters have enraptured generations of children and adults. Almost none of these drawings had been published before the original Abrams edition. From the most cursory of doodles to finished drawings, this whimsical volume of sketchbooks, posters, album covers, story boards, and set and puppet designs celebrates Henson's unique genius and his wild sense of humor.

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