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The Vanishing of Dr. Winter

door L.B. Hathaway

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Reeksen: Posie Parker Mysteries (4)

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Can the past really come back to haunt you? Cambridge, Christmas 1922 Posie Parker has cleared a space in her hectic schedule to try to unravel a tragedy in her own family. But Posie's past is hiding around every turn in the old University town, and she finds herself taking on a new case which is positively teeming with ghosts, shadows and secrets, where nothing is quite what it seems. In a quest to find out what happened to Dr William Winter, a brilliant Cambridge doctor who disappeared five years previously, Posie is forced to confront her own painful memories of the Great War. But just how safe is it really to go digging up the past? And will Posie get to spend Christmas this year with anything other than Mr Minks, the office cat and a lonely heart for company?… (meer)
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While I enjoyed the mystery and the historical fiction, once again Hathaway put my back up with the introduction of a touch of the supernatural. ( )
  leslie.98 | Jun 27, 2023 |
December 1922 and Posie Parker, private investigator is approached by Felicity Fyre, ex-nurse, to determine if her husband, Dr. Winter, is still alive and not killed during the war in 1918. Can events from the war echo through the years to 1922.
An enjoyable cozy mystery ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
While I enjoyed the mystery and the historical fiction, once again Hathaway put my back up with the introduction of a touch of the supernatural. ( )
  leslie.98 | Mar 28, 2020 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
L.B. Hathawayprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Wille, ClareVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Can the past really come back to haunt you? Cambridge, Christmas 1922 Posie Parker has cleared a space in her hectic schedule to try to unravel a tragedy in her own family. But Posie's past is hiding around every turn in the old University town, and she finds herself taking on a new case which is positively teeming with ghosts, shadows and secrets, where nothing is quite what it seems. In a quest to find out what happened to Dr William Winter, a brilliant Cambridge doctor who disappeared five years previously, Posie is forced to confront her own painful memories of the Great War. But just how safe is it really to go digging up the past? And will Posie get to spend Christmas this year with anything other than Mr Minks, the office cat and a lonely heart for company?

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