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Danger by Design

door Helen Macie Osterman

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Back cover blurb: Net Petrone resides in a townhouse in a retirement complex where the previous owner died of a heart attack. A number of widows in the complex joined a society for the betterment of the environment called The Society for the Fifth Beneficence. Brother Rupert, the founder, convinces some of the women to change their wills and leave everything to the society. Net goes to a meeting and realizes that the people are served a drugged tea. Those that change their wills, soon die of ¿natural causes¿. The previous owner of Net¿s townhouse was one of these women. Her son is convinced that his mother wrote a hand written will negating the previous one and hid it somewhere. Net¿s townhouse is broken into while she is on vacation. She is convinced someone was looking for the will. Brother Rupert sends his minions to Net¿s townhouse to either find the will or burn it down. Net realizes she is in danger. Is she able to protect herself? Does she find the will?… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorHelenO29, SAMANTHA100, OakTreePress
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Helen Osterman has created the most unique amateur sleuth and mystery plot to date.Follow this probing, superstitious, Italian-American, Net Petrone, on a caper of fraud and murder.You'll love the journey, characters, and exhilarating climax.
Lou Macalouso ( )
  HelenO29 | May 14, 2016 |
The protagonist in Danger by Design,a novel by Helen Macie Osterman, is Net Petrone. Net has experienced her share of sorrows. Her beloved husband died and her daughter vanished long ago. She is now living in a retirement community and she learns that the previous owner of her townhouse died leaving a suspicious will that left everything to the Society for the Fifth Beneficence. We soon learn that she is not the only woman who has done so. At great personal risk Net finds herself involved in trying to uncover exactly what this society is and what kind of power they hold over vulnerable people.
This is a well written story about a woman who knows in her heart what is worth doing. The well developed secondary characters add a great deal to the depth of the story. The story moves quickly and is well worth reading. Highly recommended. ( )
  SAMANTHA100 | Jan 26, 2016 |
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Back cover blurb: Net Petrone resides in a townhouse in a retirement complex where the previous owner died of a heart attack. A number of widows in the complex joined a society for the betterment of the environment called The Society for the Fifth Beneficence. Brother Rupert, the founder, convinces some of the women to change their wills and leave everything to the society. Net goes to a meeting and realizes that the people are served a drugged tea. Those that change their wills, soon die of ¿natural causes¿. The previous owner of Net¿s townhouse was one of these women. Her son is convinced that his mother wrote a hand written will negating the previous one and hid it somewhere. Net¿s townhouse is broken into while she is on vacation. She is convinced someone was looking for the will. Brother Rupert sends his minions to Net¿s townhouse to either find the will or burn it down. Net realizes she is in danger. Is she able to protect herself? Does she find the will?

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