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Suite for Human Nature

door Diane Charlotte Lampert

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261916,929 (3.9)Geen
From the legendary songwriter Diane Lampert, based on a musical piece she wrote with Pulitzer Prize and nine-time Grammy-winning jazz musician Wynton Marsalis, comes an exquisitely illustrated folktale about how we humans got some of our...naughtier...traits, and what overcomes them all. Mother Nature is a very busy woman. Her job is to tend to the Earth and all the creatures that dwell there--she must wake up the bulbs and warm the land in spring, then rush off to freeze the ponds and create snow in winter. But more than anything, Mother Nature wants children of her own. So with twigs and things she made five: Fear, Envy, Hate, Greed, and Fickle. She asks the most helpless of creatures--the poor, wingless humans--to watch over them as she works. But then her children's wild personalities begin to seep into human nature in a way that Mother Nature never intended. A lilting, lyrical ode to all of our human shortcomings and the one trait--love--that can overcome them all, this book beautifully captures the complexity of us all.… (meer)
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Mother nature is a very busy woman, her job is to take care of the earth and all of its creatures. She creates the spring, summer, fall, and winter, but she wants nothing more than to have her own children. She creates fear, envy, hate, greed, and fickle and ask the humans to watch over them as she works. Unfortunately, the personalities of her children soon become used by the humans. There is only one child that can stop all of the madness and that is love.

This book can be used on topics related to emotion or when exploring different beliefs of creation. ( )
  JessicaGarcia6 | Apr 22, 2017 |
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From the legendary songwriter Diane Lampert, based on a musical piece she wrote with Pulitzer Prize and nine-time Grammy-winning jazz musician Wynton Marsalis, comes an exquisitely illustrated folktale about how we humans got some of our...naughtier...traits, and what overcomes them all. Mother Nature is a very busy woman. Her job is to tend to the Earth and all the creatures that dwell there--she must wake up the bulbs and warm the land in spring, then rush off to freeze the ponds and create snow in winter. But more than anything, Mother Nature wants children of her own. So with twigs and things she made five: Fear, Envy, Hate, Greed, and Fickle. She asks the most helpless of creatures--the poor, wingless humans--to watch over them as she works. But then her children's wild personalities begin to seep into human nature in a way that Mother Nature never intended. A lilting, lyrical ode to all of our human shortcomings and the one trait--love--that can overcome them all, this book beautifully captures the complexity of us all.

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