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Learn to Timber Frame: Craftsmanship, Simplicity, Timeless Beauty

door Will Beemer

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691401,644 (5)Geen
The first guide to timber framing written specifically for beginners! Expert Will Beemer takes you through the entire process from start to finish, beginning with timber sourcing and ending with a finished building. Using full-color photos, detailed drawings, and clear step-by-step instructions, Beemer shows you exactly how to build one small (12? x 16?) timber-frame structure - suitable for use as a cabin, workshop, or studio. He also explains how to modify the structure to suit your needs and location by adding a loft, moving doors or windows, changing the roof pitch, or making the frame larger or smaller. You'll end up with a beautiful building as well as solid timber-framing skills that you can use for a lifetime. The elegant simplicity of timber frame construction is made accessible to all levels of builders with step-by-step building instructions for one small, easy-to-build timber frame cabin, along with plans for modifying it to suit particular needs and locations. Preface Chapter 1: What Is Timber Framing? Chapter 2: Getting Started Using Ungraded Native Lumber - Timber Frame Engineering 101 - Ordering and Storing Timbers Chapter 3: Layout Systems Mill Rule Mapping Scribe Rule Square Rule Chapter 4: Tools Tools for Layout Cutting Tools Boring Tools Chapter 5: Procedures for Layout & Cutting First Steps in Layout Laying Out the Mortise and Tenon Cutting Procedures Rules of Thumb for Joinery Design in Square Rule Chapter 6: The Tiny Timber Frame Plan Drawings Timber List Sills Joists Posts Girts Braces Collars Door Posts Tie Beams Plates Rafters Chapter 7: Variations on the Frame Moving Doors and Windows Adding a Loft Changing the Roof Pitch Overhangs Making the Frame Smaller Making the Frame Bigger Chapter 8: Raising the Frame Equipment for Raising Day The Raising Script Chapter 9: Foundations & Enclosure Systems Foundations Insulation and Enclosure Epilogue Glossary Resources Bibliography Index Rustic Elegance A classic timber frame is as practical and be...… (meer)
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I have always been fascinated by the process of "timber framing". For those that don't know timber framing is the use of wood members that are 5 inches by 5 inches or greater. As opposed to normal house framing, done with lumber with dimensions of 2x4, or 2x6. Timber framing is also different in that it doesn't use nails, but instead makes joints (like a mortise and tenon) that are joined with wooden pins. You could dismantle a timber frame house and put it up in a different location. Many of you may have seen timber framing done by the traditional Amish.
Beemer does a good job of explaining what timber framing is, the process of how it is done, the tools used, and the costs. He starts at the beginning and proceeds in a logical and clear format. He even gets into the engineering and science of the practice.
Loved the illustrated joint details and the construction of them. Very well done.
Beemer even constructs a 12' x 16' timber frame shed/house as a project for the book. He goes into great detail about how it is done. And it's an impressive sight when it is done!
I'm not sure, at my age, that I could do this anymore, but it sure was fun living vicariously through the author as he built the structure. It's rapidly becoming a lost art, and I'm happy that people like Beemer are keeping the craft alive.
I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley, in return for a honest review. BUT....even though I will (probably) never build a timber frame structure, I will be ordering a hard copy of the book for days when I want to daydream! ( )
  1Randal | Sep 14, 2024 |
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The first guide to timber framing written specifically for beginners! Expert Will Beemer takes you through the entire process from start to finish, beginning with timber sourcing and ending with a finished building. Using full-color photos, detailed drawings, and clear step-by-step instructions, Beemer shows you exactly how to build one small (12? x 16?) timber-frame structure - suitable for use as a cabin, workshop, or studio. He also explains how to modify the structure to suit your needs and location by adding a loft, moving doors or windows, changing the roof pitch, or making the frame larger or smaller. You'll end up with a beautiful building as well as solid timber-framing skills that you can use for a lifetime. The elegant simplicity of timber frame construction is made accessible to all levels of builders with step-by-step building instructions for one small, easy-to-build timber frame cabin, along with plans for modifying it to suit particular needs and locations. Preface Chapter 1: What Is Timber Framing? Chapter 2: Getting Started Using Ungraded Native Lumber - Timber Frame Engineering 101 - Ordering and Storing Timbers Chapter 3: Layout Systems Mill Rule Mapping Scribe Rule Square Rule Chapter 4: Tools Tools for Layout Cutting Tools Boring Tools Chapter 5: Procedures for Layout & Cutting First Steps in Layout Laying Out the Mortise and Tenon Cutting Procedures Rules of Thumb for Joinery Design in Square Rule Chapter 6: The Tiny Timber Frame Plan Drawings Timber List Sills Joists Posts Girts Braces Collars Door Posts Tie Beams Plates Rafters Chapter 7: Variations on the Frame Moving Doors and Windows Adding a Loft Changing the Roof Pitch Overhangs Making the Frame Smaller Making the Frame Bigger Chapter 8: Raising the Frame Equipment for Raising Day The Raising Script Chapter 9: Foundations & Enclosure Systems Foundations Insulation and Enclosure Epilogue Glossary Resources Bibliography Index Rustic Elegance A classic timber frame is as practical and be...

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