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The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a…
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The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World (editie 2016)

door Dalai Lama (Auteur)

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1,5773711,848 (4.24)27
New Age. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:Two great spiritual masters share their own hard-won wisdom about living with joy even in the face of adversity.
The occasion was a big birthday. And it inspired two close friends to get together in Dharamsala for a talk about something very important to them. The friends were His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The subject was joy. Both winners of the Nobel Prize, both great spiritual masters and moral leaders of our time, they are also known for being among the most infectiously happy people on the planet.
From the beginning the book was envisioned as a three-layer birthday cake: their own stories and teachings about joy, the most recent findings in the science of deep happiness, and the daily practices that anchor their own emotional and spiritual lives. Both the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu have been tested by great personal and national adversity, and here they share their personal stories of struggle and renewal. Now that they are both in their eighties, they especially want to spread the core message that to have joy yourself, you must bring joy to others.
Most of all, during that landmark week in Dharamsala, they demonstrated by their own exuberance, compassion, and humor how joy can be transformed from a fleeting emotion into an enduring way of life.
Narration Credits:
Douglas Carlton Abrams, read by the author
Dalai Lama, read by Francois Chau
Desmond Tutu, read by Peter Francis James.
… (meer)
Titel:The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World
Auteurs:Dalai Lama (Auteur)
Info:Avery (2016), Edition: Later prt., 384 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World door Dalai Lama XIV

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1-5 van 34 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
A friend gave me ‘The Book of Joy’ as a birthday present and told me she had found it life-changing. I can certainly see why - it’s an extraordinary and moving book, and one that I immediately want to recommend to others. In a series of discussions, revolving around ways in which humanity can live joyfully, the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu manage the feat of transcending religion to find an underlying spirituality. The recommending friend is Christian and found the book’s philosophy deeply appealing; I’m an atheist and so did I. I saw strong echoes with the Stoic philosophy of Epictetus ([b:Discourses, Fragments, Handbook|18189134|Discourses, Fragments, Handbook|Epictetus||45849302]) and the practise of mindfulness ([b:Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World|11281104|Mindfulness A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World|Mark Williams||47822196]). Moreover, I appreciated that the wisdom of the two men was never abstract, but grounded in experience, practise, and their relationship. They have a truly lovely friendship and the dynamic between them gives the book a wonderful feeling of affection and humour. I found the comments on humour particularly striking, actually. It’s very important to be able to laugh at ourselves, at difficult situations, and at unfairness. As the book points out, humour is powerful against injustice, as it reveals the inherent absurdity and nonsense of discrimination. The quote that stuck with me most, though, is this one:

”You must not hate those who do harmful things,” the Dalai Lama has explained. “The compassionate thing to do is everything you can to stop them.”

I think that encapsulates beautifully that hating people is pointless, as well as reminding me of my favourite line from [b:The Leopard|625094|The Leopard|Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa||1132275] by Giuseppe de Lampedusa: 'Nothing could be decently hated except eternity.' ‘The Book of Joy’ also has wise words about gratitude, humility, and forgiveness, amongst other topics. I found it a moving, thought-provoking, and life-affirming read. The chapter at the end about the birthday party made me cry. I used to meditate regularly and ‘The Book of Joy’ has inspired me to try it again. I already use the gratitude technique of writing down three good things about the day just before going to sleep, which is calming. In this world of relentless social media, 24 hour news, and constant pressure to compete and consume, this book is quietly radical as it promotes community, generosity, and compassion. I felt inspired to live better while reading it and really hope that such good intentions won’t be swept away by daily distractions. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
This book is an extended conversation between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. It is frankly a miracle that they had the time to put this together. It is also a miracle that the plane took off before the earthquake gripped the region. This book is a compendium of advice on how to be joyful. ( )
  thebacklistbook | Jul 31, 2024 |
Wow. This book is such a great reminder of our shared humanity. Compassion, joy, happiness, love ... so many great conversations and great advice. I can't recommend this book enough. Every person on the planet should read it. ( )
  teejayhanton | Mar 22, 2024 |
What an eye-opening book. I grew up Buddhist and have always been a fan of the Dalai Lama and his wisdom. But I never knew much about Archbishop Desmond Tutu. But I definitely have a newfound respect for both of these amazing world leaders, who teach us how to be at peace with ourselves, and find happiness in a world full of suffering and negativity. Such inspiring stories of how these two men survived through apartheid and exile, and yet still remain positive and joyful.

These days, we're so focused on external stimuli...material goods, making more money, focusing on ourselves. And yet, we're more depressed than ever before, despite the façade of "having everything". They teach in this book that compassion is key, as is giving, even when we have nothing. The eight pillars of joy is something I'll definitely be remembering for a long, long time. And the guide on meditation at the end is just what I needed in these stressful times.

So even though we can't change what's going on around us, or how other people behave, we can change ourselves. And change comes from the inside, and changing our mindset. I've slowly been moving toward this change of mindset myself, and while it's not an overnight change, the words spoken in this book give you plenty to think about. Highly recommended, and I know I'll be referring to this book whenever I need a reminder! ( )
  galian84 | Dec 29, 2023 |
What an eye-opening book. I grew up Buddhist and have always been a fan of the Dalai Lama and his wisdom. But I never knew much about Archbishop Desmond Tutu. But I definitely have a newfound respect for both of these amazing world leaders, who teach us how to be at peace with ourselves, and find happiness in a world full of suffering and negativity. Such inspiring stories of how these two men survived through apartheid and exile, and yet still remain positive and joyful.

These days, we're so focused on external stimuli...material goods, making more money, focusing on ourselves. And yet, we're more depressed than ever before, despite the façade of "having everything". They teach in this book that compassion is key, as is giving, even when we have nothing. The eight pillars of joy is something I'll definitely be remembering for a long, long time. And the guide on meditation at the end is just what I needed in these stressful times.

So even though we can't change what's going on around us, or how other people behave, we can change ourselves. And change comes from the inside, and changing our mindset. I've slowly been moving toward this change of mindset myself, and while it's not an overnight change, the words spoken in this book give you plenty to think about. Highly recommended, and I know I'll be referring to this book whenever I need a reminder! ( )
  galian84 | Dec 29, 2023 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (3 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Dalai Lama XIVprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Abrams, Douglas Carltonprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Tutu, Desmondprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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New Age. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:Two great spiritual masters share their own hard-won wisdom about living with joy even in the face of adversity.
The occasion was a big birthday. And it inspired two close friends to get together in Dharamsala for a talk about something very important to them. The friends were His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The subject was joy. Both winners of the Nobel Prize, both great spiritual masters and moral leaders of our time, they are also known for being among the most infectiously happy people on the planet.
From the beginning the book was envisioned as a three-layer birthday cake: their own stories and teachings about joy, the most recent findings in the science of deep happiness, and the daily practices that anchor their own emotional and spiritual lives. Both the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu have been tested by great personal and national adversity, and here they share their personal stories of struggle and renewal. Now that they are both in their eighties, they especially want to spread the core message that to have joy yourself, you must bring joy to others.
Most of all, during that landmark week in Dharamsala, they demonstrated by their own exuberance, compassion, and humor how joy can be transformed from a fleeting emotion into an enduring way of life.
Narration Credits:
Douglas Carlton Abrams, read by the author
Dalai Lama, read by Francois Chau
Desmond Tutu, read by Peter Francis James.

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4.5 10
5 75

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