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The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day door…
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The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day (origineel 1981; editie 1981)

door Stan Berenstain (Auteur), Jan Berenstain (Auteur)

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1,591811,683 (3.69)1
The Bear family decides it is time to move to a larger house.
Titel:The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day
Auteurs:Stan Berenstain (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Jan Berenstain (Auteur)
Info:Random House Books for Young Readers (1981), Edition: First Edition, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day door Stan Berenstain (1981)

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Oma got this for you when we moved from Apgar to Wallace and both of you really liked this book, particularly Mx. It was perfect for our move and I think especially helped Mx process that big change (which he did with great ease).
  Mx2018 | Oct 8, 2023 |
The Berenstain Bears are moving from the mountainside down to the valley. Brother Bear is very nervous about saying goodbye to the cave he grew up in and moving to his new home. He worries about who he will play with. After packing up the moving truck, and arriving at their new tree house, neighbors from all around come to visit, and the whole Berenstain family goes to sleep very happy about their new adventure. ( )
  nfernan1 | Sep 15, 2017 |
The Berenstein Bears Moving Day is part of the Barenstein Bears series that tells the story of the Bear family moving from their house in the country, to their new tree house home. Brother Bear, their son was really worried about moving, as her had made a lot of friends and memories in that house. In time, he learned that moving doesn't mean that you have to lose sight of everything that you once had, and that its really just an opportunity to make new memories and experiences in your new home. This book was a great way to teach children that moving to a new place doesn't have to be the scary event many view it as. The pictures, like many of their book, were extremely visually appealing and added a lot of color and detailed designs to keep children engaged and interested. Even the text was written in a way to intertwine itself into the pictures and made for a very engaging and exciting book for children to read and relate to. ( )
  MadeleineJones | Oct 3, 2016 |
book discusses when a family is moving from one home to another. it discusses the different feelings one would have when they are moving.
2 books
  TUCC | Aug 25, 2016 |
The Berenstain Bear family is going to move from their cave on Great Bear Mountain to a home down in the valley. Brother Bear is so scared to move away from the cave because all his friends are there. Mother and father Bear tell him it'll all be okay and he can make new friends and still write his old friends. Brother bear is still sad but they still pack and are ready to move the next morning. The next morning they move to their new neighborhood and to their new tree house. Brother Bear likes it, but it needs work. He is to busy imagining the house that he didnt realize all the families that came to welcome him, and all the bear cubs he could be friends with.

Personal Reaction
I have alwasy loved the Berenstain Bear books, they were something that I grew up reading and I think they all teach a different lesson. I think that since they are using fictional characters with pictures it makes it easy for the children to relate to and that they can help them through different tough times.

Classroom Extension
1. I think this is a great book that can be used when children are transitioning from one point in life to another that might be hard to deal with. Whether it be going to a new school, moving up in school, or moving to a new home this could help a child through all of it.
2. It could be used in a unit based around the Berenstain Bears. ( )
  Lindsey_Mcdowell | Mar 15, 2012 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Berenstain, Stanprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Berenstain, Janprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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Their stuff is all packed!
Here comes the truck!
Let's move with the Bears
And wish them good luck.
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The Bear family didn't always live in the big tree house down a sunny dirt road deep in Bear Country.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

The Bear family decides it is time to move to a larger house.

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Gemiddelde: (3.69)
1 1
2 8
2.5 1
3 32
4 32
4.5 1
5 22

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