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GONE (The Harry Starke Novels Book 5)

door Blair Howard

Reeksen: Harry Starke (5)

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413,516,283 (4.5)Geen
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Emily Johnston is GONE.

She's been GONE for more than a week.

She's also the daughter of Harry Starke's one-time boss and nemesis, Chattanooga Police Chief Wesley Johnston. Harry and Chief Johnston haven't seen eye-to-eye in a long time, but when Johnston needs help, he knows there's only one man he can turn to.

But Johnston's jurisdiction ends at the city limits and when Emily's body is discovered in a remote part of the county, Harry has to deal with the imperious sheriff, Israel Hands and two incompetent county detectives.

So begins an investigation that will take Harry on a wild ride across Signal Mountain, a case that will include a second murder, two cold cases, sex, alternative lifestyles, and deadly danger for Harry and his friends, until... well, as always, there's a twist in the tale.

Ready? Let's Investigate!

… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorCJForrest, JohnCraig73, hoddybook, Connie57103
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Book #5 of the Harry Starke detective novels is once again extremely compelling; full of intrigue and suspense. This one keeps you on your toes. It has many murders, unlike most of the other books before it. It is very unlikely you will be able to figure out major clues before Harry does which always adds great appeal to the series. And, like all other Harry Starke novels, each is great as a stand alone book while filling you in on what you need or want to know in the book.

This one is about the disappearance and subsequent death of the daughter of the Chattanooga Chief of police in a high society college for girls. Harry and his team of investigators work closely with his old partner of the police department, Detective Lieutenant Kate Gazzara to solve the murder. During the intensive investigation, Harry discovers that three others have been murdered as well. His job is to find the correlation between each of the murders and try to find the one defining factor to make the murderer kill all of them. This gets very interesting very fast; and may even leave you out of breath.

Thank you to Mr. Blair Howard for giving me a free copy of this book to read and give my honest review. ( )
  Connie57103 | Jun 17, 2016 |
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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Emily Johnston is GONE.

She's been GONE for more than a week.

She's also the daughter of Harry Starke's one-time boss and nemesis, Chattanooga Police Chief Wesley Johnston. Harry and Chief Johnston haven't seen eye-to-eye in a long time, but when Johnston needs help, he knows there's only one man he can turn to.

But Johnston's jurisdiction ends at the city limits and when Emily's body is discovered in a remote part of the county, Harry has to deal with the imperious sheriff, Israel Hands and two incompetent county detectives.

So begins an investigation that will take Harry on a wild ride across Signal Mountain, a case that will include a second murder, two cold cases, sex, alternative lifestyles, and deadly danger for Harry and his friends, until... well, as always, there's a twist in the tale.

Ready? Let's Investigate!


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