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Tartan Candy (Fabric Hearts, #1)

door K.C. Burn

Reeksen: Fabric Hearts (1)

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A Fabric Hearts Story Finlay McIntyre (aka Raven) is a successful adult film star with a penchant for kilts, until an accident cuts short his stardom and leaves him with zero sexual desire, lowered self-esteem, and no job. He knew his porn career wouldn't last forever, but he wasn't prepared for retirement at twenty-eight. While trying to figure out the rest of his life, Raven agrees to attend a high school reunion. That's when a malfunctioning AC unit in his hotel room changes everything. Caleb Sanderson, an entrepreneur with his own HVAC business, has no idea what to expect when he steps into Raven's hotel room to fix his AC unit. They're attracted to each other, but Caleb, closeted, can't afford a gay relationship, not with his mom pressuring him to produce grandchildren. If he wants to keep Raven--who no closet could hold--he'll need to tell his family the truth. But Raven has a few secrets of his own. He refuses to reveal his porn past to Caleb, a past that might be the final obstacle to Caleb and Raven having any kind of relationship.… (meer)
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Tartan Candy is the first book in the ‘Fabric Hearts’ series. It stars Finlay ‘Raven’ McIntyre, an ex-adult film star, and Caleb Sanderson, who runs his own HVAC business. This is told in third person from Raven and Caleb’s povs.

First the cover. I like it. It’s descriptive of the story’s plot without having the model having too closely represent Raven by showing his face. However, saying that, the model doesn’t look old enough to be in his late twenties, and his features appear to be softer than what I imagined Raven to look like. The cover is still nice.

The blurb does a good job of explaining the plot, but I’ll add a bit to it. Raven is trying to figure out what to do with his life after an accident ended his job as an adult film star. He takes a gig as a date for a creep named Jeremy, who figures into the conflict between Caleb and Raven at the end. While Raven works this gig, he meets Caleb, and for the first time since the accident feels desire, but he has a lot of mental and emotional blocks to break through if he wants to be with Caleb, but he is willing to try. The story is about them getting to know each other and how they do that without having sex.

I liked Raven. At first, even though he’s insecure and fearful about his body since the accident, I got the impression he was confident and strong. But as the story goes along, more of his vulnerability shows through. He’s had to deal with a mother who tossed him out of the house before his high school graduation, being bullied at school because he was gay, and then one step away from living on the streets when Idyll Fling, the adult film company who hired him, saved his life. When Caleb said all those terrible things to Raven during the conflict, I felt bad for Raven. Raven didn’t trust easily and had one good friend other than Caleb, and Caleb’s cousin Jamie. He’d come so far to finally give himself to Caleb, and Caleb sliced and diced him up when he found out about Raven’s past. And all of that was because Caleb, who was in the closet, was terrified of coming out, and because he was very insecure. He put Raven and his looks on a pedestal. Caleb never thought he was in Raven’s league, so when he found out about Raven’s past, he eviscerated Raven. I think Raven forgave Caleb much too quickly, Caleb needed to grovel a whole lot more.

An issue I had with this story was the tremendous amount of monologue, the telling instead of showing. Every time there was a dialogue or action scene, right after there would be pages of monologue with the character or narrator, describing what the characters were thinking, why they were thinking it, how they felt, the action that took place, descriptions of things and events. Instead of showing all of this through action and the senses, it felt like someone was just lecturing or feeding me information about what happened. I don’t often read more than one book at a time, but because this book was written in such a boring manner, I picked up another book, and finished it, while reading this one, else I may not have finished this one at all. The author also dropped the subplot of what happened to Jeremy after he pulled the stunt of calling Caleb and outing Raven. I'd consider that harassment and something that Raven's ex-boss/friend would be concerned about.

Overall, I liked the plot, I liked Raven and Jamie, but didn’t like Caleb and felt he should have groveled more for forgiveness. The writing style didn’t work for me because there was way too much telling versus showing, enough so that I had to put it down and read another book, then come back to this one later. I already have the second book in the series, so I’ll go on and read about Raven’s friend, Will. I give Tartan Candy, 3 Stars.

( )
  Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
I think Raven was a bit too quick to forgive but in my heart I'm glad, I liked these two together. ( )
  Lillian_Francis | Jul 26, 2021 |
I think Raven was a bit too quick to forgive but in my heart I'm glad, I liked these two together. ( )
  Lillian_Francis | Feb 24, 2021 |
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A Fabric Hearts Story Finlay McIntyre (aka Raven) is a successful adult film star with a penchant for kilts, until an accident cuts short his stardom and leaves him with zero sexual desire, lowered self-esteem, and no job. He knew his porn career wouldn't last forever, but he wasn't prepared for retirement at twenty-eight. While trying to figure out the rest of his life, Raven agrees to attend a high school reunion. That's when a malfunctioning AC unit in his hotel room changes everything. Caleb Sanderson, an entrepreneur with his own HVAC business, has no idea what to expect when he steps into Raven's hotel room to fix his AC unit. They're attracted to each other, but Caleb, closeted, can't afford a gay relationship, not with his mom pressuring him to produce grandchildren. If he wants to keep Raven--who no closet could hold--he'll need to tell his family the truth. But Raven has a few secrets of his own. He refuses to reveal his porn past to Caleb, a past that might be the final obstacle to Caleb and Raven having any kind of relationship.

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