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Ice and Bone: Tracking an Alaskan Serial Killer

door Monte Francis

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271889,293 (3.6)Geen
"A chilling chronicle of victims brutally murdered by a cold, merciless killer, against a backdrop equally as unforgiving--the Last Frontier" (Henry Lee, author of Presumed Dead).   On a clear, brisk night in September of 2000, thirty-three-year-old Della Brown was found sexually assaulted and beaten to death inside a filthy, abandoned shed in seedy part of Anchorage, Alaska. She was one of six women, mostly Native Alaskan, slain that year, stoking fears a serial killer was on the loose. A tanned and thuggish twenty-year-old would eventually implicate himself in three of the women's deaths and confess, in detail, to Della's murder. Yet, after a three-month trial, Joshua Wade would walk free. In 2007, when Wade kidnapped a well-loved nurse psychologist from her home and then executed her in the remote wilderness of Wasilla, two astute female detectives joined forces to finally bring him to justice.   Ice and Bone is the chilling true account of how a demented murderer initially evaded police and avoided conviction only to slip back into the shadows and kill again. Journalist and writer Monte Francis tells the harrowing story of what eventually led to Wade's capture, and reveals why the true scope of his murderous rampage is only now, more than a decade later, coming into view.   "A tremendous amount of exceptional journalistic work went into this, and the book that emerges is richly detailed and deeply sensitive toward the victims and those who loved them. And while in no way forgiving to Wade, Francis seeks to locate the human deep inside him that went terribly wrong, apparently from a very young age." --Alaska Dispatch… (meer)
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Ice and Bone: Tracking An Alaskan Serial Killer by Monte Francis is a highly recommended true crime novel.

"In the Fall of 2000, in Anchorage, Alaska, a series of murders captured headlines, stoking fears a serial killer was on the loose. Six women, mostly Alaska Natives, were found slain, all under similar circumstances. An anonymous tip led investigators to a thuggish, young drug dealer, who would eventually implicate himself in three of the women’s deaths. But it wasn’t until the disappearance of a well-loved nurse psychologist seven years later, and the discovery of her body in the remote wilderness of Wasilla, that two astute female detectives would finally bring the murderer to justice."

Joshua Wade was likely responsible for the murders of more women (and maybe even some men) than the crimes he was officially charged with. Wade was incarcerated for life in 2010 after the 2007 murder of Mindy Schloss. It is horrifying that he was charged with the 2000 murder of Della Brown but was acquitted because the evidence was circumstantial. If a better case were presented lives could have been saved. It is to the credit of everyone investigating the murder of Schloss that Wade was finally caught and put away for good.

Francis concentrates on the crimes and the investigations, but he also shows how the family and friends of his victims were affected by his horrendous actions. I do wish some more focus on the Native Alaskan population and how they are victimized, but, perhaps that is another book. Ice and Bone focuses on the murders of Brown and Schloss, but there is a mention that he may have murdered other women and men. In the end it is satisfying to know Wade is locked up for life.

The writing is clear and concise even when the information imparted is complicated and convoluted, especially with Wade's friends talking and backtracking about what he said and what happened. Expect lots of language. Francis does an admirable job presenting it all and adds background information that is pertinent. It really is a heartbreaking but chilling account of a killer and the sometimes frustrating investigation that finally put him away. (And for those of you who read Ice and Bone: Could the young woman who befriended Wade be any dumber? "I was young so I didn't understand the terminology 'acquitted for murder.' " She gives new meaning to the phrase: "Dumb as a box of rocks.")

Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of the publisher/author. ( )
  SheTreadsSoftly | Nov 26, 2016 |
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"A chilling chronicle of victims brutally murdered by a cold, merciless killer, against a backdrop equally as unforgiving--the Last Frontier" (Henry Lee, author of Presumed Dead).   On a clear, brisk night in September of 2000, thirty-three-year-old Della Brown was found sexually assaulted and beaten to death inside a filthy, abandoned shed in seedy part of Anchorage, Alaska. She was one of six women, mostly Native Alaskan, slain that year, stoking fears a serial killer was on the loose. A tanned and thuggish twenty-year-old would eventually implicate himself in three of the women's deaths and confess, in detail, to Della's murder. Yet, after a three-month trial, Joshua Wade would walk free. In 2007, when Wade kidnapped a well-loved nurse psychologist from her home and then executed her in the remote wilderness of Wasilla, two astute female detectives joined forces to finally bring him to justice.   Ice and Bone is the chilling true account of how a demented murderer initially evaded police and avoided conviction only to slip back into the shadows and kill again. Journalist and writer Monte Francis tells the harrowing story of what eventually led to Wade's capture, and reveals why the true scope of his murderous rampage is only now, more than a decade later, coming into view.   "A tremendous amount of exceptional journalistic work went into this, and the book that emerges is richly detailed and deeply sensitive toward the victims and those who loved them. And while in no way forgiving to Wade, Francis seeks to locate the human deep inside him that went terribly wrong, apparently from a very young age." --Alaska Dispatch

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