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The Returning

door Rachelle Dekker

Reeksen: A Seer Novel (3)

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765362,951 (3.85)Geen
Twenty years have passed since Carrington and Remko Brant's baby, Elise, was kidnapped and they were forced to leave her captive in the Authority City. Though they fled with the Seers far from Authority reach, they've never given up hope of rescuing their daughter from the man who betrayed them. Now Authority President, he's ushered the city into a new era of "peace"-one where the Scientist Roth Reynard's Genesis Serum has eradicated all memory of emotion or rebellion. But the mysterious Aaron and his Seers are once again on the move, threatening the illusion the Authority has worked so hard to build. As the Seers send seven chosen warriors to rescue Elise and bring restoration to the Authority City, the lines are drawn for a final battle between light and darkness. The key to ultimate victory may rest within the strangely powerful girl who has felt forgotten but was never abandoned-a truth she'll need to wage war against the powerful forces of evil.… (meer)
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Toon 5 van 5
I received a free copy of this novel from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

The Returning is book three and the final book in The Seer series. This was an eagerly anticipated finale to a brilliantly written series by debut author Rachelle Dekker. Usually, by the time you've reached the final book in series, the story tends to slow down. But The Returning kept my interest right to the very end!

The story begins 20 years in the future, with a greatly anticipated good vs evil battle. I liked that they focused on Elise and we get to watch her grow from victim to victor. I loved the message that the story gives; that we as Christian are to always let our light shine to those around us. ( )
  sunshine9573 | Dec 19, 2022 |
This book really surprised me in a good way! I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. I really liked the different themes that were Biblically related throughout. I definitely wouldn't say it's supposed to be an allegory to Christianity or anything. I loved the fast paced story with the heart pumping adrenaline.

I want to thank Tyndale Publishers and Rachelle Dekker for the complimentary copy of this book for review and for judging during the INSPY awards. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I express in this review are my own. This is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR 16, Part 255. ( )
  Meganleigh844 | Aug 15, 2018 |
The Returning by Rachelle Dekker is the third book in her futuristic YA Seer series. It comes off well as a stand alone novel but reading the first two books in the series will provide a better background for the storyline of The Returning. I liked the book as the action was relatively fast paced and there were some actual 'no that did not just happen' scenes that kept the pages turning! A prominent theme of good and evil, i.e., light and darkness, is evident throughout the book and the battle between the two brings a lot of satisfactory and interesting tension to the book. The characters are strong and evocative, calling up a variety of emotions as the reader follows them on the journey on which we all embark...the search for ourselves. There are certainly Christian principles throughout the book (knowing who you are as a child of God and as such we are called to be a light to a dark world, practicing true forgiveness and choosing faith over fear--principles that encourage and guide) and yet one must remember this is a fictional story and not a theology book, not a book on which to base one's spiritual beliefs. All in all, The Returning was a compelling completion to a rather amazing debut series for this author.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley. A favorable review was not required and opinions are my own. ( )
  Anne_Rightler | Mar 27, 2017 |
This book was the third and last book in the Seer series. I loved this series and this was a great ending. Elise learns many lessons before the end of the book. She learns what it means to be the light in this new world. There are good and bad people through this story. Will Elise be able to help the good and bad people. I received this book from Tyndale blog network for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my free will. ( )
  Virginia51 | Feb 1, 2017 |
Title: Retuning (A Seer Novel #3)
Author: Rachelle Dekker
Pages: 432
Year: 2017
Publisher: Tyndale
My rating is 5 out of 5 stars.
This series begins with the first novel titled, Choosing, that is followed by Calling and then this final novel that takes place twenty years after the end of Calling. At first, I was concerned that if so much time elapsed in the story would I be able to pick up the book and be able to follow the plot or characters? Undoubtedly, the answer is yes! Rachelle Dekker does a fantastic job of reminding readers of some past actions, adventures and who the main characters were before leading us on the final adventure of the series.
I found myself remembering Carrington, Remko, Jesse, Elsie, and others and understanding their current living situation. More importantly is where their hearts and souls are abiding, either in fear or in the light of the truth that the Father shows. At times, I felt my heart as gripped as a mother like Carrington as she longed to know what happened to her and Remko’s firstborn who was stolen from them so long ago. I easily was caught up not just in the action but in wondering above all what is the spiritual truth being reflected in this work of fiction.
For me, I see where people all have a choice of where to allow their hearts and souls to dwell, either in the hand of the Father or not. I understood the spiritual warfare that was reflected throughout all three books as well as the human heart factor that can at times mess up our understanding of spiritual truths. The love of God is another truth I believe woven in the books and the need for us to constantly be reminded of to Whom we belong and the truth He speaks.
All three books are interdependent and I can’t see reading one book without having read the others. The climactic conclusion was extremely powerful, moving and beautiful. As always I think it is hard to end a series for both the author and readers who become so engrossed with the story that we want it to keep going. However, if one must complete a series, this was a beautiful picture of how it should end. These novels are great for reading, discussing and sharing with others!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” ( )
  lamb521 | Jan 28, 2017 |
Toon 5 van 5
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Twenty years have passed since Carrington and Remko Brant's baby, Elise, was kidnapped and they were forced to leave her captive in the Authority City. Though they fled with the Seers far from Authority reach, they've never given up hope of rescuing their daughter from the man who betrayed them. Now Authority President, he's ushered the city into a new era of "peace"-one where the Scientist Roth Reynard's Genesis Serum has eradicated all memory of emotion or rebellion. But the mysterious Aaron and his Seers are once again on the move, threatening the illusion the Authority has worked so hard to build. As the Seers send seven chosen warriors to rescue Elise and bring restoration to the Authority City, the lines are drawn for a final battle between light and darkness. The key to ultimate victory may rest within the strangely powerful girl who has felt forgotten but was never abandoned-a truth she'll need to wage war against the powerful forces of evil.

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