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The Day After Never

door Nathan Van Coops

Reeksen: In Times Like These (3)

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2321,011,088 (3.88)Geen
"Ben Travers has gone missing, and Ben Travers needs to find him. Returning home from his harrowing adventures through time, Ben just wants a normal life with the girl he loves, but tying up the loose threads of his fragmented existence is proving more difficult than he ever suspected. Someone is attacking time travel labs—threatening the safety of the Quickly family—and Ben is getting messages from a version of himself that he thought was dead. When a strange cult of consciousness-shifting time travelers called The Eternals begins to worm its way into the past—endangering the very nature of time and space—Ben will have to solve the mystery of his own disappearance to stop them. He’ll journey farther into time than he’s ever been before, to protect the family and friends he has come to love, and to discover his own inevitable destiny. Join Ben and Mym in this third novel in the In Times Like These time travel adventure series."--Back cover.… (meer)
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I tend to distrust five star reviews by people who get a free copy of a book and give that same book five stars. With that being said, yes, I got a free copy of an early draft of this book, though the five stars I give are based solely on how awesome the story is.

One of my science teachers in junior high school used to tell my class that the litmus test for determining the difference between science fiction and fantasy is that science fiction has concepts that are possible but haven't happened yet, whereas fantasy is something that is so far outside the realm of reality that we know the happenings are fake and we have to suspend belief to get absorbed into the story.

The Day After Never passes that litmus test and fully defines itself as true science fiction. Nathan truly makes the time travel and metaspace feel completely real. I wouldn't classify this as hard science fiction where you feel like the story revolves around the technology; the technology in The Day After Never tends to blend in with the strong characters and the dilemmas they face to give you what feels like a thriller built around futuristic concepts.

If you've ever wanted to believe in time travel, if you got chills as streaks of fire were left on the ground when the DeLorean disappeared in Back to the Future, The Day After Never and the previous two books by Nathan are for you.

There's a lot to love about this book: suspense, action, a unique vision for time travel and future technology, romance, and a good amount of laugh out loud moments. Nathan Van Coops is three for three in delivering top-notch books.

( )
  5m0ak | Jun 25, 2024 |
I'm finally done with this series, and ... meh. This book wasn't as exciting as the second one. I liked how the author brought up some interesting ideas about AI rights that we as a society might have to face sooner than most people realize. But the whole idea of the Neverwhere was just a little too metaphysical / spiritual for me to really get behind. Perhaps if the book were about half the length I wouldn't have minded as much. As it is, I spent a bit too much time waiting for the book to end. ( )
  KrakenTamer | Oct 23, 2021 |
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"Ben Travers has gone missing, and Ben Travers needs to find him. Returning home from his harrowing adventures through time, Ben just wants a normal life with the girl he loves, but tying up the loose threads of his fragmented existence is proving more difficult than he ever suspected. Someone is attacking time travel labs—threatening the safety of the Quickly family—and Ben is getting messages from a version of himself that he thought was dead. When a strange cult of consciousness-shifting time travelers called The Eternals begins to worm its way into the past—endangering the very nature of time and space—Ben will have to solve the mystery of his own disappearance to stop them. He’ll journey farther into time than he’s ever been before, to protect the family and friends he has come to love, and to discover his own inevitable destiny. Join Ben and Mym in this third novel in the In Times Like These time travel adventure series."--Back cover.

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Gemiddelde: (3.88)
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4.5 1
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