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Sister Agatha

door Domhnall O'Donoghue

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Sister Agatha is a colossal 118 years of age, whose vim and vigour would put the most robust athletes to shame. During a routine check-up, however, her doctor claims she has just a week to live, news that proves to be quite inconvenient, seeing as the beloved sister has one ambition in life: to be the oldest person in the world. At last count, she was the fifth. However, never one to admit defeat, Sister Agatha concocts a bold Plan B. Dusting off her passport, she decides to leave Irish shores for the first time in her very long life, and using the few days remaining, plans to travel across three continents and meet the only four people whose birthday cakes boast more candles than hers. And then, one by one, she intends on killing them.… (meer)
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So, I don't really agree with the 'hilarious' take everyone seems to label SIster Agatha with. It's not because you have an unfunny book in your hands--far from it! Sister Agatha is an entertaining novel, and humorous parts are def present; it's just not a guffwaf-inducing story, since the merry tone is a bit more subdued that I thought before starting it.

If you ask me, it's a feature rather than a bug.

However, the thing that makes Sister Agatha noteworthy is O'Donoghue's attitude towards spoilers. A huge one is right there, just a few pages in: you're following Agatha, a dynamic elderly nun whose life seems to be hunky-dory, until the hunky-doriness starts cracking, and hey! Spoiler!

Thank. You. Thank you for straying from the beaten, boring path and offering me a different perspective.

I mean, I respect the majority when it comes to spoilers, I do. I just don't understand it. Being spoiled is maybe the best thrill I get out of books, being able to know what's going to happen rather than panicking together with the characters--wow. Best feeling ever and one of the main reasons I read.


The story itself is entertaining, all the characters have a great inner voice--yay! O'Donoghue's writing skills are excellent, and Sister Agatha showcases them in a beautiful way.

I couldn't be more pleased, highly recommended. ( )
  TissieL | May 3, 2023 |
Sister Agatha: The World’s Oldest Serial Killer by Domhnall O’Donoghue

Asked by the author to read his book in exchange for my honest review I have to say I have done just that. I read the blurb and thought, “Now, what will this be about?” and then said, “Let’s see.”

Sister Agnes has lived many years and has never needed her passport till she sets out to accomplish her life goal of being the oldest living person on earth. Her story is told with some flashbacks as she moves forward with her quest. She travels to Tunis, The USA, Poland and Italy to meet up with the people who are older than she is. How each of those standing in her way is dealt with is…interesting. With a bit of the newspaper and travel journalist writing styles to enjoy this was a fast-paced, snappy, educational and interesting story with insightful vignettes into the lives of side characters that enlivened my time with Agatha. What a character she was and what a life she led. I believe her last decade on earth might have been the most rewarding.

If you are in the mood for something different that will take you to interesting places and allow you to meet new characters then this is a book I would recommend to you.

4.5 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Aug 1, 2016 |
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Sister Agatha is a colossal 118 years of age, whose vim and vigour would put the most robust athletes to shame. During a routine check-up, however, her doctor claims she has just a week to live, news that proves to be quite inconvenient, seeing as the beloved sister has one ambition in life: to be the oldest person in the world. At last count, she was the fifth. However, never one to admit defeat, Sister Agatha concocts a bold Plan B. Dusting off her passport, she decides to leave Irish shores for the first time in her very long life, and using the few days remaining, plans to travel across three continents and meet the only four people whose birthday cakes boast more candles than hers. And then, one by one, she intends on killing them.

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