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Myths in Adventism: An Interpretive Study of Ellen White, Education, and Related Issues (Adventist Classic)

door George R. Knight

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341735,360 (4.17)2
Was Ellen White as inflexible as some of her followers? Are the sacred and the secular two realms or one? How is ignorance related to godliness? Just how evil (or good) are human beings? Are big schools more effective than small ones? Was Ellen White really 100 years ahead on her time? George R. Knight examines these and many other provocative questions in this insightful book. Book jacket.… (meer)
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Myths pop up everywhere from history, to religion, and in the understanding of someone’s writing. George R. Knight writes in Myths in Adventism: An Interpretive Study of Ellen White, Education, and Related Issues about numerous issues that influence the thinking of Adventists educators and administrators.

Knight tackles 19 “myths” related to Adventist education, institutions, and thoughts over the course of 250 pages. Beginning with myth related to “Historical and Philosophical” issues including those surrounding Ellen White, Knight clears up historical inaccuracies and puts Mrs. White’s writing not only in the context in which lines are written but what was going on at the time that made her write certain statements. Knight then turned his attention to “Institutions and People” focusing on such issues the interplay between home and school, human nature, and intellectualism in Adventist education. The largest section of the book about “Curriculum and Methods”, Knight focused on sacred and secular topics, Bible as textbook, literary subjects, religious instructions, in-classroom environments, and recreation and manual labor.

As a child of a retired Adventist teacher, I appreciated this book in seeing what my mother had to face over the course of approximately 35 years of her career. Knight’s research and writing are fantastic throughout the book giving the reader amazing insights in how myths are given life in numerous fields and situations. However, my problem with this book is not with Knight but with the publishers who in designing the book and blurbs made this book something it wasn’t. The front cover blurb literally says, “A thoughtful look at misconceptions about Ellen White and Adventist life that have long caused controversy in the church” but nothing about education which is what the book is about and instead makes it appear it’ll be about numerous other things about Adventism. Though Knight attempts to shield the publishers for their decision in the preface, it’s unfortunately makes the reader realize they might have gotten hoodwinked.

Overall Myths in Adventism is an insightful look at the cultural clashes in Adventist education by a writer that knows how to do research in Adventist history and education. However even though George R. Knight is fantastic, the decisions of the publishers to make this book appear to be something that it’s not is very annoying and future readers need to know about it. ( )
  mattries37315 | Jun 30, 2018 |
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Was Ellen White as inflexible as some of her followers? Are the sacred and the secular two realms or one? How is ignorance related to godliness? Just how evil (or good) are human beings? Are big schools more effective than small ones? Was Ellen White really 100 years ahead on her time? George R. Knight examines these and many other provocative questions in this insightful book. Book jacket.

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Gemiddelde: (4.17)
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