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Lobel's Meat and Wine: Great Recipes for Cooking and Pairing

door Stanley Lobel

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411628,028 (4)Geen
When it comes to meat, the Lobel family of New York is recognized as the prime purveyor and authority. Whether it's beef, pork, lamb, poultry, or game, they know not only how to choose it, but also the very best ways to prepare each cut. Here they describe and integrate the flavors of wine and reveal which of its components are the most food-friendly. And then there are nearly 100 recipes. From the easy-to-prepare rib steaks, marinated in Pinot Noir, to the delicious surprise of a gratin of chicken and Gruyre cheese cooked in Bourgogne blanc, each recipe gives detailed wine notes and, where appropriate, butcher's notes and make-ahead tips.Lobel's Meat and Wine is a cut above.… (meer)
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Marinades, picadas, even mayonnaise if called for receives its own recipe after the main one for meat. Several wines are suggested for each dish. Gorgeous photos. ( )
  cookebooks | Jan 2, 2008 |
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When it comes to meat, the Lobel family of New York is recognized as the prime purveyor and authority. Whether it's beef, pork, lamb, poultry, or game, they know not only how to choose it, but also the very best ways to prepare each cut. Here they describe and integrate the flavors of wine and reveal which of its components are the most food-friendly. And then there are nearly 100 recipes. From the easy-to-prepare rib steaks, marinated in Pinot Noir, to the delicious surprise of a gratin of chicken and Gruyre cheese cooked in Bourgogne blanc, each recipe gives detailed wine notes and, where appropriate, butcher's notes and make-ahead tips.Lobel's Meat and Wine is a cut above.

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