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Stronger Together: A Blueprint for America's Future

door Hillary Rodham Clinton

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511519,616 (3.86)1
"For more than a year, Hillary Clinton has laid out an ambitious agenda to improve the lives of the American people and make our country stronger and safer. Stronger Together presents that agenda in full, relating stories from the American people and outlining the Clinton/Kaine campaign's plans on everything from apprenticeships to the Zika virus, including: building an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top; making the biggest investment in good-paying jobs since World War II, including infrastructure, manufacturing, clean energy, and small business; making debt-free college a reality and tackling the student debt crisis; defeating ISIS, strengthening our alliances, and keeping our military strong; breaking down the barriers that hold Americans back by reforming our broken immigration system, ending mass incarceration, protecting voting rights, and fixing our campaign finance system; putting families first, through universal, affordable health care, paid family and medical leave, and affordable child care. Stronger Together offers specific solutions and a bold vision for building a more perfect union"--… (meer)
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Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine's book "Stronger Together" begins with a powerful statement: "It has been said that America is great because America is good." Clinton and Kaine agree with that statement as do I. The book continues and reminds us that,"we face our fair share of threats and challenges." The strength of this 249 page volume is the detailed description of policy suggestions that carry the knowledge that the United States is a country of good as it creates positive change for the benefit of all its citizens.

"Stronger Together" outlines investments in job growth, clean energy, debt free college plans, reigning in Wall Street, equal pay for women, expanded health coverage, LGBT rights, open internet, expanded K-12 education, fair immigration reform, national defense, women's health and reproductive rights, and more.
Hillary writes, "Americans don't say:"I alone can fix it." We say: "We'll fix it together." Clinton and Kaine's book is a blueprint of inspiration and ideas of how we as Americans will move our country forward together. Highly recommended. ( )
  greggchadwick | Sep 19, 2016 |
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"For more than a year, Hillary Clinton has laid out an ambitious agenda to improve the lives of the American people and make our country stronger and safer. Stronger Together presents that agenda in full, relating stories from the American people and outlining the Clinton/Kaine campaign's plans on everything from apprenticeships to the Zika virus, including: building an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top; making the biggest investment in good-paying jobs since World War II, including infrastructure, manufacturing, clean energy, and small business; making debt-free college a reality and tackling the student debt crisis; defeating ISIS, strengthening our alliances, and keeping our military strong; breaking down the barriers that hold Americans back by reforming our broken immigration system, ending mass incarceration, protecting voting rights, and fixing our campaign finance system; putting families first, through universal, affordable health care, paid family and medical leave, and affordable child care. Stronger Together offers specific solutions and a bold vision for building a more perfect union"--

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