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Virgin (2016)

door Jenika Snow

Reeksen: A Real Man (2)

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2211,047,536 (3.15)Geen
She's the only one he'll ever want. He is the first boy she fell in love with. Quinn I met Isabel when I was ten. I fell in love with her before I even knew what that meant. I knew from the moment I saw her she was it for me. No one else compared to her, and I'd do anything to make her mine. But I was afraid of losing the friendship we have, so I've kept my mouth shut. But she's leaving me, and I know I can't keep how I feel inside any longer. Saving myself for the girl I love isn't a hardship, but it's something I'm proud of. When it comes to Isabel, giving her my virginity, and making her see we belong together, is all that matters. Isabel Quinn is like the other half of my soul, the one person I can talk to about anything. He has the bad boy thing going on but is also respectful as much as he is a rebel. He is the first and only boy I will ever love. Being forced to move across the country, and leave him behind, is like leaving a piece of myself in the process. But telling Quinn I am madly in love with him could put a strain on our friendship. I don't know if that's something I could handle or risk. Quinn Nothing can keep me from Isabel. She is it for me, and I mean that in every conceivable way. Nothing can keep me from her. I hope she's ready because there isn't anything or anyone that will stop me from having her as mine. Warning: This story is short, dirty story filled with a possessive virgin hero who wants his heroine to be his one and only. It's drama free, and has insta-everything going on, so be prepared to have an overload of sugary virgin goodness.… (meer)
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Short insta everything read. ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
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She's the only one he'll ever want. He is the first boy she fell in love with. Quinn I met Isabel when I was ten. I fell in love with her before I even knew what that meant. I knew from the moment I saw her she was it for me. No one else compared to her, and I'd do anything to make her mine. But I was afraid of losing the friendship we have, so I've kept my mouth shut. But she's leaving me, and I know I can't keep how I feel inside any longer. Saving myself for the girl I love isn't a hardship, but it's something I'm proud of. When it comes to Isabel, giving her my virginity, and making her see we belong together, is all that matters. Isabel Quinn is like the other half of my soul, the one person I can talk to about anything. He has the bad boy thing going on but is also respectful as much as he is a rebel. He is the first and only boy I will ever love. Being forced to move across the country, and leave him behind, is like leaving a piece of myself in the process. But telling Quinn I am madly in love with him could put a strain on our friendship. I don't know if that's something I could handle or risk. Quinn Nothing can keep me from Isabel. She is it for me, and I mean that in every conceivable way. Nothing can keep me from her. I hope she's ready because there isn't anything or anyone that will stop me from having her as mine. Warning: This story is short, dirty story filled with a possessive virgin hero who wants his heroine to be his one and only. It's drama free, and has insta-everything going on, so be prepared to have an overload of sugary virgin goodness.

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