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Without Remorse (The Harry Starke Novels Book 9)

door Blair Howard

Reeksen: Harry Starke (9)

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On a balmy afternoon in May 2002, wealthy stockbroker Peter Nicholson was turkey hunting with three friends in Prentice Cooper State Forest when he tripped, fell on his shotgun, and accidentally shot himself ... dead, but did he? Fifteen years later, as a last resort, Nicholson's mother asks Harry Starke to find the truth. As we all know, Harry loves a cold case, but ... as always, there's a twist in the tale.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorCJForrest, qstewart, Connie57103
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Of all nine Starke novels, this one is my FAVORITE! It makes great use of evidence, the gathering of it, sending it in for DNA samples, and all of the various steps one must go through for it. This is what makes this book different from all other Starke novels. The one thing that has not changed much is that like Harry, you don't figure out who actually is guilty until Harry does, which is usually at or very near the end of the book.

This is about a case wrongly deemed "accidental" for over fifteen years, and a mother's constant desire to have it investigated properly that her boy (man to us readers) was murdered. It is a hard book to have to put down at the end, but that is how homicide books go, sometimes.

My favorite parts are the dirty looks and actions supplied to Harry by the Warren couple. That amuses me greatly. Another favorite part is what the ME digs up for the prosecution to make the case as good as it is. There were no unfavorable parts. I thank author extraordinaire, Blair Howard, for giving us nine exceptional Harry Starke novels, and making each better and better as he goes! ( )
  Connie57103 | Dec 30, 2016 |
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On a balmy afternoon in May 2002, wealthy stockbroker Peter Nicholson was turkey hunting with three friends in Prentice Cooper State Forest when he tripped, fell on his shotgun, and accidentally shot himself ... dead, but did he? Fifteen years later, as a last resort, Nicholson's mother asks Harry Starke to find the truth. As we all know, Harry loves a cold case, but ... as always, there's a twist in the tale.

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