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One More Time

door Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward (Auteur)

Reeksen: Cocky Bastard (4)

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1085260,940 (3.57)Geen
The New York Times bestseller from the authors of Cocky Bastard and Stuck-Up Suit. I met Bianca in an elevator. She was on her way to interview me when we got stuck. The beautiful raven-haired reporter assumed I was a delivery guy because of the way I was dressed. She had no clue I was really Dex Truitt, the wealthy, successful businessman she'd dubbed "Mister Moneybags"--her afternoon appointment. Bianca told me how much she hated Dex's type--snobby, over educated, silver-spooned men who didn't appreciate the simple things in life. So, after the elevator finally started moving again, I cancelled the interview and let her believe I was someone I wasn't--a bike messenger named Jay. I loved the way she looked at the fake me and didn't want it to end. I began dating her as "Jay"--all the while letting her interview the real me over email. I didn't expect that our chemistry online would be just as hot. I didn't expect the mess I'd gotten myself into. I didn't expect that Jay and Dex would fall in love with her. And she was falling for two men. Only, both men were me. And when she found out, we were both going to lose her. Nothing could have prepared me for that day. And I certainly wasn't prepared for what came after. All good things must come to an end, right? Except our ending was one I didn't see coming.… (meer)
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Toon 5 van 5
Simpatico, piacevole e divertente, una commedia leggera e sexy che mi è piaciuta molto. ( )
  Raffaella10 | Jan 28, 2023 |
A man meets a woman in an elevator malfunction. Side note: SO MANY ELEVATOR MALFUNCTIONS and yet I've never been trapped with a honey in an elevator...Moving on. A case of secret identity from the hero for fear of being judged by a woman he find irresistible. She has anxiety, he's smooth and straightforward and doesn't blink in helping her through it. The beginning of the novel is a lot of him going to great lengths to make her interested in the real him. It's actually pretty sweet even though he's been lying his booty off The first conflict resolves quite quickly and I wondered why at 50% it seemed, well, over.

These two could be siblings. Of course they aren't, or this would be a terrible book, but why interrupt the rhythm of a growing and fledgling relationship for this madness? I mean what the what. I could've quit reading here andI don't think the book nor the relationship nor the characters nor my life is richer for the second half. No thanks. I can't believe I can actually muster two stars for it.

I also couldn't shake this didn't seem as well written as their prior partnerships, but part of me wonders if it's cause i'm actually more of a vi Keeland fan than Ward fan and I'm getting confused... ( )
  samnreader | Jun 27, 2020 |
3.25 stars

It's almost 2 am here, so in short: fun, loved the beginning, but it kind of lost me after that. I still liked it but I didn't love the 'twists'.
I mean, were we really supposed to believe they were brother and sister? It was kind of obvious they weren't going to be. So obvious I was almost hoping for it to be true.

I liked Dex and Bianca. I liked parts of the book - the first part was great. But I just didn't love it and the drama was a bit too over the top and lasted too long for my liking. ( )
  CielCat | Feb 6, 2019 |
Mister Moneybags by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward (Audio Edition)
Narrated by Sebastian York , Andi Arndt

5 Stars - GREAT! This book had me laughing right away. Such silliness! I listened to this all in one go. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Got sucked in by the “letter writing” premise and couldn't put the book down.

The chemistry was great between Bianca and Dex, their innuendos and double entendres made laugh and smile throughout the book.

Both Narrators did a fantastic job! ( )
  MyaB | Apr 25, 2018 |
Mister Moneybags by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward (Audio Edition)
Narrated by Sebastian York , Andi Arndt

5 Stars - GREAT! This book had me laughing right away. Such silliness! I listened to this all in one go. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Got sucked in by the “letter writing” premise and couldn't put the book down.

The chemistry was great between Bianca and Dex, their innuendos and double entendres made laugh and smile throughout the book.

Both Narrators did a fantastic job!

~Paragraphs and Petticoats~ ( )
  MyaB | Apr 25, 2018 |
Toon 5 van 5
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Keeland, ViAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Ward, PenelopeAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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The New York Times bestseller from the authors of Cocky Bastard and Stuck-Up Suit. I met Bianca in an elevator. She was on her way to interview me when we got stuck. The beautiful raven-haired reporter assumed I was a delivery guy because of the way I was dressed. She had no clue I was really Dex Truitt, the wealthy, successful businessman she'd dubbed "Mister Moneybags"--her afternoon appointment. Bianca told me how much she hated Dex's type--snobby, over educated, silver-spooned men who didn't appreciate the simple things in life. So, after the elevator finally started moving again, I cancelled the interview and let her believe I was someone I wasn't--a bike messenger named Jay. I loved the way she looked at the fake me and didn't want it to end. I began dating her as "Jay"--all the while letting her interview the real me over email. I didn't expect that our chemistry online would be just as hot. I didn't expect the mess I'd gotten myself into. I didn't expect that Jay and Dex would fall in love with her. And she was falling for two men. Only, both men were me. And when she found out, we were both going to lose her. Nothing could have prepared me for that day. And I certainly wasn't prepared for what came after. All good things must come to an end, right? Except our ending was one I didn't see coming.

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Gemiddelde: (3.57)
2 3
2.5 3
3 9
3.5 1
4 5
4.5 1
5 7

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