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Garbage Night

door Jen Lee

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717386,145 (3.22)Geen
In a barren and ransacked backyard, a dog named Simon lives with his two best friends: a raccoon and a deer. The unlikely gang spends their days looting the desolate supermarket and waiting for the return of the hallowed garbage night but week after week, the bins remain empty. While scavenging one day, the trio meet Barnaby, another abandoned dog who tells them about the other town where humans are still rumored to live. Spurred on by hunger and the promise of food, the trio joins up with Barnaby and set off into the unknown. With echoes of post-war, derelict places, Garbage Night explores how animals may internalize their changing environment and express their thoughts, fears and hopes.… (meer)
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It was okay. The relationships were convincing, but there wasn't much of a resolution to the story. ( )
  BonBonVivant | Jan 18, 2023 |
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
Simon the dog and his two best mates --a racoon and a deer --live in Simon's empty house in a dystopian world where all the humans have disappeared. The three reminisce about Garbage Night when humans would put out a banquet of food for all the animals to pick over and realise with no humans, there is no garbage night and thus no food. The three then meet another dog called Barnaby and decide to follow him through the woods to the next town in search of humans and food. Simon then develops a bit of a man crush on the cooler than cool Barnaby and starts to ignore his other friends - siding with Barnaby in arguments and bragging that he fought of coyotes, etc etc. It all comes to a head when their wanderings take them into the domain of a bear.
With clothes drawn on to depict their character traits - Simon had a hoodie on and nerdy glasses - this graphic novel will appeal to teenage boys. The prequel to Garbage Night is included with this story at the end of the book and explains what really happened when the three friends first met and how they came to be all living in Simon's house. ( )
  nicsreads | Sep 10, 2020 |
The art is great, and the story is really very gentle for a post-apocalyptic world. I was hoping for something a little like [b: Sweet Tooth|13562049|Sweet Tooth|Ian McEwan||19137260], but I think I'll need to keep looking. ( )
  bookbrig | Aug 5, 2020 |
A bit strange, but I found something endearing about the story. I think this is a standalone, but it raises a lot of questions. Were the animals turned into anthropomorphic creatures after the apocalypse? I mean Simon reenacts a game of fetch and remembers his owner calling him a 'good boy.' Where'd all the humans go? What caused this dystopian type of setting?

Overall, I enjoyed the artwork and the color direction. The survival setting is very sad and dark but interesting. I'm not sure how I was supposed to feel about the Barnaby conflict. It just felt so open-ended. Still, I recommend it. ( )
  DestDest | Jul 29, 2020 |
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In a barren and ransacked backyard, a dog named Simon lives with his two best friends: a raccoon and a deer. The unlikely gang spends their days looting the desolate supermarket and waiting for the return of the hallowed garbage night but week after week, the bins remain empty. While scavenging one day, the trio meet Barnaby, another abandoned dog who tells them about the other town where humans are still rumored to live. Spurred on by hunger and the promise of food, the trio joins up with Barnaby and set off into the unknown. With echoes of post-war, derelict places, Garbage Night explores how animals may internalize their changing environment and express their thoughts, fears and hopes.

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Gemiddelde: (3.22)
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