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The Unknown Ajax door Georgette Heyer
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The Unknown Ajax (origineel 1959; editie 1992)

door Georgette Heyer

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
1,5295512,127 (4.04)280
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

The Queen of Regency Romance, bestselling author Georgette Heyer, brings her trademark charm and wit to this pitch-perfect comedic romp.

A past dispute . . .
When the irascible Lord Darracott's eldest son dies unexpectedly, the noble family must accept their estranged Yorkshire cousin as heir apparent. They are convinced he will prove to be a sadly vulgar person, but nothing could have prepared the beleaguered family for the arrival of Major Hugo Darracott . . .

A present deception . . .
His clever and beautiful cousin Anthea is sure there's more to the gentle giant than Hugo's innocent blue eyes and broad Yorkshire brogue would lead one to believe. But even she doesn't guess what he's capable of, until a family crisis arises and only Hugo can preserve the family's honor, leading everybody on a merry chase in the process . . .

Praise for The Unknown Ajax:
"Wonderful entertainment from first page to last."—Chicago Sunday Tribune

… (meer)
Titel:The Unknown Ajax
Auteurs:Georgette Heyer
Info:HarperCollins Publishers (Mm) (1992), Paperback, 379 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Regency, libwood5, read, reread

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The Unknown Ajax door Georgette Heyer (1959)

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1-5 van 55 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
When the inheritance of Darrocott Place falls to an unknown and virtually disowned cousin, the eccentric Darracott family braces for the worst. Irascible Lord Darracott expects a country bumpkin to be cowed into submission, Vincent anticipates a rival to be vanquished, and Anthea resents a stranger whom she is pressured to marry. But when Hugo Darracott finally appears, he exceeds everyone's expectations at once.

As in The Quiet Gentleman, another Heyer novel about an undesired heir, the fraternal relationships in The Unknown Ajax are much more important than the protagonist's ostensible romance. Hugh juggles three self-absorbed cousins, a humorless uncle, and a fire-breathing grandfather, and he accomplishes the deed with charm and wit. (In contrast, his romance with Anthea is clever but secondary.) Hugo is the most developed and sympathetic Heyer hero that I can remember reading, and he's surrounded by a worthy secondary cast: the large Darracott family is initially bewildering in its internecine complexities, but they ultimately justify their existence in the plot. The Unknown Ajax is the best Heyer book I've read in a while. ( )
  proustbot | Jun 19, 2023 |
  SueJBeard | Feb 14, 2023 |
Miles from anywhere, Darracott Place is presided over by elderly Lord Darracott. Irascible Lord Darracott rules his barony with a firm hand. The tragic accident that killed his eldest son by drowning has done nothing to improve his temper. For now, he must send for the next heir apparent--the unknown offspring of the uncle whom the family is never permitted to mention. He also summons his bickering descendants to the rundown family estate. Yet none of that beleaguered family are prepared for the arrival of the weaver's brat and heir apparent...
Lord Darracott's tetchiness is exacerbated when Hugh, the offspring of his disgraced second son, becomes heir to the title as a result of a yachting disaster. His Lordship determines that the only way to maintain the family's good name is to marry Hugh to his pretty and intelligent granddaughter. ( )
  Karen74Leigh | Jan 24, 2023 |
Rating stands. This is a slow slog at the beginning and I was absolutely second guessing my prior rating because I couldn't remember anything. However, it picked up the pace, almost imperceptibly, until it the final hectic chapters. I think Hugo might, perhaps, tie with Freddy as a favorite... though he's really hard to read for the first half of the book. It would make a good film, though. Here's wishing they would! ( )
  OutOfTheBestBooks | Sep 24, 2021 |
I like Hugo & his sneaky sense of humor. The climactic scene is so wonderful but not possible to discuss without spoilers... ( )
  leslie.98 | Nov 17, 2020 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (3 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Georgette Heyerprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Daniel PhilpottVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

The Queen of Regency Romance, bestselling author Georgette Heyer, brings her trademark charm and wit to this pitch-perfect comedic romp.

A past dispute . . .
When the irascible Lord Darracott's eldest son dies unexpectedly, the noble family must accept their estranged Yorkshire cousin as heir apparent. They are convinced he will prove to be a sadly vulgar person, but nothing could have prepared the beleaguered family for the arrival of Major Hugo Darracott . . .

A present deception . . .
His clever and beautiful cousin Anthea is sure there's more to the gentle giant than Hugo's innocent blue eyes and broad Yorkshire brogue would lead one to believe. But even she doesn't guess what he's capable of, until a family crisis arises and only Hugo can preserve the family's honor, leading everybody on a merry chase in the process . . .

Praise for The Unknown Ajax:
"Wonderful entertainment from first page to last."—Chicago Sunday Tribune


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Gemiddelde: (4.04)
0.5 1
1 2
1.5 1
2 9
2.5 3
3 58
3.5 30
4 147
4.5 14
5 116

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