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A Thousand Butterfly Wishes (Whisper of the Pines) (Volume 2)

door Susan Haught

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WINNER: 2017 New Apple Annual Award Official Selection ~ RomanceWhat if the price of your wish is living without it?Rachel Gowen wishes for nothing more than to escape the past decade-to lock away the memories that keep her from living a normal life. But a Native American butterfly legend, a mysterious old man, a cast of quirky characters long past their prime, and Nico, a tenacious, caring nursing assistant plunge her down a path that ignite the memories she's desperate to escape. Rachel begins a new career as a nurse in a retirement community. After all, how risky can working with the elderly be? Ignoring the warnings from her crusty supervisor, she quickly forms deep attachments to her patients and helps them in ways far beyond her duties. And when a casual stroll sparks a relationship with Ben-the handsome British doctor who's too busy, too apathetic, and too distant-it may be exactly what she's looking for. But Rachel can't conform to the rules, nor can she deny the connection she shares with Nico. With her job in jeopardy, Rachel's priorities and relationship with Ben are challenged. But one thing is certain-her butterfly wishes pave the way to a future that will upend her life."[Susan Haught] shows the difficult aspects of life, with all the heartache and challenges, then softens the edges and instills hope through poignant insights and gentle humor." - 5 Star Goodreads review… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doordebbiebellows, susan0316
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This book has a little bit of everything - love, friendship, family relationship but most important to me was the caring for the people who cannot care for themselves. Rachel is a nurse at a senior living center. Even though she is a bit of a rebel and a rule bender, she truly cares about her patients and not only their physical well being but also their happiness. When she breaks the rules, it's to bring happiness to their lives that are often near the end.. She was a fantastic character and you can't help but laugh and cry with her throughout the book. Even though she isn't looking for love and has secrets about her past that she is hiding, she develops a relationship with Nico, a CNA at the nursing home. He is also passionate about the patients happiness and is equally passionate about making Rachel happy. This is a fantastic book with some wonderful characters who will make you laugh and make you cry. ( )
  susan0316 | Mar 19, 2017 |
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WINNER: 2017 New Apple Annual Award Official Selection ~ RomanceWhat if the price of your wish is living without it?Rachel Gowen wishes for nothing more than to escape the past decade-to lock away the memories that keep her from living a normal life. But a Native American butterfly legend, a mysterious old man, a cast of quirky characters long past their prime, and Nico, a tenacious, caring nursing assistant plunge her down a path that ignite the memories she's desperate to escape. Rachel begins a new career as a nurse in a retirement community. After all, how risky can working with the elderly be? Ignoring the warnings from her crusty supervisor, she quickly forms deep attachments to her patients and helps them in ways far beyond her duties. And when a casual stroll sparks a relationship with Ben-the handsome British doctor who's too busy, too apathetic, and too distant-it may be exactly what she's looking for. But Rachel can't conform to the rules, nor can she deny the connection she shares with Nico. With her job in jeopardy, Rachel's priorities and relationship with Ben are challenged. But one thing is certain-her butterfly wishes pave the way to a future that will upend her life."[Susan Haught] shows the difficult aspects of life, with all the heartache and challenges, then softens the edges and instills hope through poignant insights and gentle humor." - 5 Star Goodreads review

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