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From a Certain Point of View
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From a Certain Point of View (2017)

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8623926,181 (3.73)14
Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:Experience Star Wars: A New Hope from a whole new point of view.
On May 25, 1977, the world was introduced to Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, and a galaxy full of possibilities. In honor of the fortieth anniversary, more than forty contributors lend their vision to this retelling of Star Wars. Each of the forty short stories reimagines a moment from the original film, but through the eyes of a supporting character. From a Certain Point of View features contributions by bestselling authors, trendsetting artists, and treasured voices from the literary history of Star Wars:
• Gary Whitta bridges the gap from Rogue One to A New Hope through the eyes of Captain Antilles.
• Aunt Beru finds her voice in an intimate character study by Meg Cabot.
• Nnedi Okorofor brings dignity and depth to a most unlikely character: the monster in the trash compactor.
• Pablo Hidalgo provides a chilling glimpse inside the mind of Grand Moff Tarkin. 
• Pierce Brown chronicles Biggs Darklighter’s final flight during the Rebellion’s harrowing attack on the Death Star.
• Wil Wheaton spins a poignant tale of the rebels left behind on Yavin.
Plus thirty-four more hilarious, heartbreaking, and astonishing tales from:
Ben Acker • Renée Ahdieh • Tom Angleberger • Ben Blacker • Jeffrey Brown • Rae Carson • Adam Christopher • Zoraida Córdova • Delilah S. Dawson • Kelly Sue DeConnick • Paul Dini • Ian Doescher • Ashley Eckstein • Matt Fraction • Alexander Freed • Jason Fry • Kieron Gillen • Christie Golden • Claudia Gray • E. K. Johnston • Paul S. Kemp • Mur Lafferty • Ken Liu • Griffin McElroy • John Jackson Miller • Daniel José Older • Mallory Ortberg • Beth Revis • Madeleine Roux • Greg Rucka • Gary D. Schmidt • Cavan Scott • Charles Soule • Sabaa Tahir • Elizabeth Wein • Glen Weldon • Chuck Wendig

Narrated by a full cast, including:
Jonathan Davis
Ashley Eckstein
Janina Gavankar
Jon Hamm
Neil Patrick Harris
January LaVoy
Saskia Maarleveld
Carol Monda
Daniel José Older
Marc Thompson

All participating authors have generously forgone any compensation for their stories. Instead, their proceeds will be donated to First Book—a leading nonprofit that provides new books, learning materials, and other essentials to educators and organizations serving children in need. To further celebrate the launch of this book and both companies’ longstanding relationships with First Book, Penguin Random House has donated $100,000 to First Book, and Disney/Lucasfilm has donated 100,000 children’s books—valued at $1,000,000—to support First Book and their mission of providing equal access to quality education. Over the past sixteen years, Disney and Penguin Random House combined have donated more than eighty-eight million books to First Book.
… (meer)
Titel:From a Certain Point of View
Info:Publisher Unknown, hardcover
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

From a Certain Point of View: 40 Stories Celebrating 40 Years of Star Wars door Elizabeth Schaefer (Editor) (2017)

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» Zie ook 14 vermeldingen

1-5 van 37 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Many of the stories were not that interesting. Several were very entertaining takes on characters in the movie. I do hope they do this with other episodes but maybe only 1/2 as many. 40 stories @ 15hr audiobook related to a 2h movie is too much. ( )
  shanep | Aug 23, 2024 |
This book makes me so happy. On the one hand, it took me back to the days of [b:Tales from Jabba's Palace|353476|Tales from Jabba's Palace (Star Wars)|Kevin J. Anderson||343685] and [b:Tales of the Bounty Hunters|131776|Tales of the Bounty Hunters (Star Wars)|Kevin J. Anderson||2599174], when Star Wars short stories were in their prime and foundational to my reading life. On the other hand, this book fleshes out A New Hope in a way that utterly outstrips the Legends material. The lineup of authors is astonishing and they run the gamut of style, tone, and emotion. There were stories that made me laugh out loud and also those that made me think deeply about aspects of a film I have loved my whole life. There were also stories that brought me to tears, especially around the destruction of Alderaan. This is an absolute must read for Star Wars fans. ( )
  Library_Guard | Jun 17, 2024 |
3.5. This is a hit and miss mix of short stories celebrating Star Wars: A New Hope. With more than forty contributors (therefore, forty stories),it's hard to say that each story is a stand out. Some stories were sadly quite forgettable. However, for every lame story, you get an amazing one that expands and reimagines movements from the film through a supporting character's point of view (from both the original and new canon of characters). I loved how the best of these humanized supporting characters and even aliens within the film. My favorite stories: Gary Whitta's "Raymus" which bridges the gap from Rogue One and A New Hope through the eyes of Captain Antilles, Meg Cabot's take on Aunt Beru, Claudia Gray's study of an old Obi-Wan conversing with force ghost Qui-Gon, Kieron Gillen's amazing story about new canon character Aphra (please Disney make an origin story film about her, please!), and Time of Death by Cavan Scott. There is a story in this collection bound to please any Star Wars fan. Perhaps forty stories was a little much? Neat concept but not necessary. Give us the masterful ones, and that's enough. ( )
  ryantlaferney87 | Dec 8, 2023 |
Loved loved loved this book! I don't usually like collections of short stories, even on a theme, as much as I do novels, but these stories were all equally well-written and this theme was clever: it retells the first Star Wars movie (A New Hope, ahem, Episode IV) from the points of view of a plethora of minor characters, many of whom we hardly see on screen at all. The stories go in order from the beginning of the movie's plotline to the end. So we get a story from the point of view of a stormtrooper, guarding Princess Leia on the first Death Star. We get a fun story told by a Jawa who finds a certain droid's holoprojector. There's a story told by the "mouse droid" on the Death Star involving a secret liasion by certain Imperials. I also loved the story from the diagnoga's point of view, so clever! (That's the trash compactor monster, for those 6 of you who aren't as into Star Wars as I am, haha!) We even get some Yoda and some Qui Gon Jinn stories, too, that cleverly tie in to A New Hope and I just love it! Plus, I got to read stories by many of my favorite YA authors and I met some adult sci fi authors I've never heard of before; that was a fun perk of the book. ( )
  GoldieBug | Aug 15, 2023 |
The funny stories are not just the best, but also profound: The Sith of Datawork, Born in the Storm, The Trigger, Of MSE-6 and Men and The Angle are all excellent and worth the read alone. ( )
  Kavinay | Jan 2, 2023 |
1-5 van 37 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:Experience Star Wars: A New Hope from a whole new point of view.
On May 25, 1977, the world was introduced to Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, and a galaxy full of possibilities. In honor of the fortieth anniversary, more than forty contributors lend their vision to this retelling of Star Wars. Each of the forty short stories reimagines a moment from the original film, but through the eyes of a supporting character. From a Certain Point of View features contributions by bestselling authors, trendsetting artists, and treasured voices from the literary history of Star Wars:
• Gary Whitta bridges the gap from Rogue One to A New Hope through the eyes of Captain Antilles.
• Aunt Beru finds her voice in an intimate character study by Meg Cabot.
• Nnedi Okorofor brings dignity and depth to a most unlikely character: the monster in the trash compactor.
• Pablo Hidalgo provides a chilling glimpse inside the mind of Grand Moff Tarkin. 
• Pierce Brown chronicles Biggs Darklighter’s final flight during the Rebellion’s harrowing attack on the Death Star.
• Wil Wheaton spins a poignant tale of the rebels left behind on Yavin.
Plus thirty-four more hilarious, heartbreaking, and astonishing tales from:
Ben Acker • Renée Ahdieh • Tom Angleberger • Ben Blacker • Jeffrey Brown • Rae Carson • Adam Christopher • Zoraida Córdova • Delilah S. Dawson • Kelly Sue DeConnick • Paul Dini • Ian Doescher • Ashley Eckstein • Matt Fraction • Alexander Freed • Jason Fry • Kieron Gillen • Christie Golden • Claudia Gray • E. K. Johnston • Paul S. Kemp • Mur Lafferty • Ken Liu • Griffin McElroy • John Jackson Miller • Daniel José Older • Mallory Ortberg • Beth Revis • Madeleine Roux • Greg Rucka • Gary D. Schmidt • Cavan Scott • Charles Soule • Sabaa Tahir • Elizabeth Wein • Glen Weldon • Chuck Wendig

Narrated by a full cast, including:
Jonathan Davis
Ashley Eckstein
Janina Gavankar
Jon Hamm
Neil Patrick Harris
January LaVoy
Saskia Maarleveld
Carol Monda
Daniel José Older
Marc Thompson

All participating authors have generously forgone any compensation for their stories. Instead, their proceeds will be donated to First Book—a leading nonprofit that provides new books, learning materials, and other essentials to educators and organizations serving children in need. To further celebrate the launch of this book and both companies’ longstanding relationships with First Book, Penguin Random House has donated $100,000 to First Book, and Disney/Lucasfilm has donated 100,000 children’s books—valued at $1,000,000—to support First Book and their mission of providing equal access to quality education. Over the past sixteen years, Disney and Penguin Random House combined have donated more than eighty-eight million books to First Book.

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