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Jumping Over Shadows: A Memoir

door Annette Gendler

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1321,565,672 (4.5)Geen
The true story of a German-Jewish love that overcame the burdens of the past. Finalist for the 2017 Book of the Year Award by the Chicago Writers Association "A book that is hard to put down." --Jerusalem Post "This book confirms Annette Gendler as an indispensable Jewish voice for our time." --Yossi Klein Halevi, author of Like Dreamers "The ghosts of the past haunt a woman's search for herself in this thoughtful, poignant memoir about the transformative power of love and faith." --Hillary Jordan, author of Mudbound, now a Netflix movie "An exquisitely written conversion story which expounds upon personal and collective identity."--Washington Independent Review of Books "A compelling, gracefully written memoir about the impact of the past on the present." --Michael Steinberg, author of Still Pitching History was repeating itself when Annette fell in love with Harry, a Jewish man, the son of Holocaust survivors, in Germany in 1985. Her Great-Aunt Resi had been married to a Jew in Czechoslovakia before World War II―a marriage that, while happy, put the entire family in mortal danger once the Nazis took over their hometown in 1938. Annette and Harry's love, meanwhile, was the ultimate nightmare for Harry's family. Not only was their son considering marrying a non-Jew, but a German. Weighed down by the burdens of their family histories, Annette and Harry kept their relationship secret for three years, until they could forge a path into the future and create a new life in Chicago. Annette found a spiritual home in Judaism―a choice that paved the way toward acceptance by Harry's family, and redemption for some of the wounds of her own family's past.… (meer)
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In a love-conquers–all story, Annette Gendler takes the reader through the complexities and sacrifices of marriage between a Catholic woman and a Jewish man. Ms. Gendler skillfully interweaves the multi-layered story of her great-aunt who defied tradition and married a Jewish man in World War II Germany-- sending repercussions into the next generation--with her own love story.

It is in this seamless interweaving of generational stories that she shows the impact of Nazi Germany upon subsequent generations of her family and upon her own coming-of-age decision to marry outside her faith.

With vivid imagery and rich scenic details she brings the reader into both the past tortuous experience of the Nazi regime upon her family and into her own decision to marry a Jewish man, ultimately converting to Judiasm. Her characters are believable and her grasp of historical details of another time and place make this a fascinating read. It is not a story I read in one sitting as I wanted to absorb all the details but it is a story I was anxious to keep reading. Her writing flows smoothly from scene to scene and across time frames and has relevance from a historical and relationship perspectives. She explores religious differences and what it means to be Jewish,

This memoir is an enjoyable, satisfying and educational read. The images of her family members packed into trains to be transported to unknown destinations during World War II Germany will not be forgotten. Despite all the obstacles presented by the past, this couple honors their love and moves on to a happy marriage.

I highly recommend this heartwarming love story. ( )
  kathleen.pooler | May 9, 2017 |
I enjoyed reading about the author's live back in the 80's and how she fell in love with a Jewish man. While, I did appreciate the author showing comparisons to her and her great Aunt's lives; I did find that it was not always a similar path. In fact, I kind of wished that there was not so much comparison mentioned throughout the book. I enjoyed reading the book and just getting to know the author.

There was a section in the book about a third of the way in, where the author talks about her great Aunt and how she fell in love with a Jewish man. Again, while, I did like reading about Resi, I felt like the story kind of stopped for a bit in the flow before it picked up again with the author. The pictures in this book are a nice addition. Overall, I did like this book and it made for an good read. Fans of memoirs will be happy with this book and is worth checking out. ( )
  Cherylk | Apr 30, 2017 |
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The true story of a German-Jewish love that overcame the burdens of the past. Finalist for the 2017 Book of the Year Award by the Chicago Writers Association "A book that is hard to put down." --Jerusalem Post "This book confirms Annette Gendler as an indispensable Jewish voice for our time." --Yossi Klein Halevi, author of Like Dreamers "The ghosts of the past haunt a woman's search for herself in this thoughtful, poignant memoir about the transformative power of love and faith." --Hillary Jordan, author of Mudbound, now a Netflix movie "An exquisitely written conversion story which expounds upon personal and collective identity."--Washington Independent Review of Books "A compelling, gracefully written memoir about the impact of the past on the present." --Michael Steinberg, author of Still Pitching History was repeating itself when Annette fell in love with Harry, a Jewish man, the son of Holocaust survivors, in Germany in 1985. Her Great-Aunt Resi had been married to a Jew in Czechoslovakia before World War II―a marriage that, while happy, put the entire family in mortal danger once the Nazis took over their hometown in 1938. Annette and Harry's love, meanwhile, was the ultimate nightmare for Harry's family. Not only was their son considering marrying a non-Jew, but a German. Weighed down by the burdens of their family histories, Annette and Harry kept their relationship secret for three years, until they could forge a path into the future and create a new life in Chicago. Annette found a spiritual home in Judaism―a choice that paved the way toward acceptance by Harry's family, and redemption for some of the wounds of her own family's past.

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