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Reckless Highlander

door Elizabeth Rose

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612,699,166 (3.83)Geen
Reed is the last of the king's bastard triplets to fall into one of Edward's traps. He vows never to pay fealty to the father who ordered the boys killed at birth.On one of his raids he comes across Maggie Gordon, his childhood sweetheart who he thought had died the night of Burnt Candlemas. While Reed embraces being a Scot even though he doesn't have a drop of Scottish blood in him, Maggie is acting like an Englishwoman instead.Maggie Gordon escaped Scotland with her baby brother the night King Edward III pillaged and burned her land. She witnessed the deaths of her family members and has vowed never to return to Scottish soil, wanting to leave her traumatic memories behind.But now Reed is back in her life and as children they promised to marry each other. But her problem is that she's betrothed to a rich English baron - and Reed is nothing but a bandit.Can feelings and memories be pushed aside so true love can shine through?Please visit to see more of Elizabeth's books.… (meer)
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This is the 3rd book of this series and like the other two books I really liked it. I recommend reading the other books in the series to really get a full picture of the triplets story. ( )
  Mariajusino | Nov 8, 2017 |
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Reed is the last of the king's bastard triplets to fall into one of Edward's traps. He vows never to pay fealty to the father who ordered the boys killed at birth.On one of his raids he comes across Maggie Gordon, his childhood sweetheart who he thought had died the night of Burnt Candlemas. While Reed embraces being a Scot even though he doesn't have a drop of Scottish blood in him, Maggie is acting like an Englishwoman instead.Maggie Gordon escaped Scotland with her baby brother the night King Edward III pillaged and burned her land. She witnessed the deaths of her family members and has vowed never to return to Scottish soil, wanting to leave her traumatic memories behind.But now Reed is back in her life and as children they promised to marry each other. But her problem is that she's betrothed to a rich English baron - and Reed is nothing but a bandit.Can feelings and memories be pushed aside so true love can shine through?Please visit to see more of Elizabeth's books.

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