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Alpha's Temptation

door Renee Rose, Lee Savino (Auteur)

Reeksen: Bad Boy Alphas (1)

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1082260,940 (3.62)1
Mine to Protect. Mine to Punish. Mine. I'm a lone wolf, and I like it that way. Banished from my birth pack after a bloodbath, I never wanted a mate. Then I meet Kylie. My temptation. We're trapped in an elevator together, and her panic almost makes her pass out in my arms. She's strong, but broken. And she's hiding something. My wolf wants to claim her. But she's human, and her delicate flesh won't survive a wolf's mark. I'm too dangerous. I should stay away. But when I discover she's the hacker who nearly took down my company, I demand she submit to my punishment. And she will. Kylie belongs to me.… (meer)
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Renee Rose and Lee Savino are both Alphas when it comes to writing shifter stories, and when they team up, hold on to your keyboard! Once I picked it up, there was just no safe place for me to put it down because I always wanted to see what was coming up.

This book takes place in the same world that Renee Rose's Alpha series does, but aren't part of that series, so if you pick this one up you aren't going to miss anything by not having read that series. In fact, it's the start of its own series.

Kylie, adorable hacker chick and Jackson, billionaire geek, just like Tony Stark, and Alpha werewolf had a run in years before when Kylie managed to hack his serious protections on his business when she was just a teenager. It left her with a crush and Jackson trying to find her. Nine years later, she walks into his company for a job interview and gets stuck in a stuck elevator with him. She didn't know who he was because it was dark. He instantly becomes protective over her, which confuses him. Then she gets the job, but there is a menacing reason for her getting hired.

Will they mate? Will they be able to survive their respective pasts to create a future together? Will Jackson punish Kylie? Well, knowing these two authors, you can probably guess the answer to the last one.

The story is hot, as it always is when Renee Rose or Lee Savino write, and put the two of them together and you get a sexy, funny, hot ride.

I received an ARC for my honest review. ( )
  tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
Being a Renee Rose loyal reader this Alpha's Temptation again portrays her talent. Sometimes with a new series it is hard to predict which characters might have their own book next. This one there are a few hot-must know more about hunky shifters to drool over. Wolf shifter and well off Jackson King is veiled with a tragic past and a time clock ticking his end if he does not find a mate. Kylie -Catgirl-McDaniel is a hacker who has had to stay in the shadows because she witnessed a murder. These two have crossed paths before and are destined with chemistry that might get them both killed. Quick read full of everything. "A copy of this book was provided by Romance Beckons via NetGalley with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read and my comments here are my honest opinion." ( )
  marandajo | Jul 25, 2017 |
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Rose, ReneeAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Savino, LeeAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Mine to Protect. Mine to Punish. Mine. I'm a lone wolf, and I like it that way. Banished from my birth pack after a bloodbath, I never wanted a mate. Then I meet Kylie. My temptation. We're trapped in an elevator together, and her panic almost makes her pass out in my arms. She's strong, but broken. And she's hiding something. My wolf wants to claim her. But she's human, and her delicate flesh won't survive a wolf's mark. I'm too dangerous. I should stay away. But when I discover she's the hacker who nearly took down my company, I demand she submit to my punishment. And she will. Kylie belongs to me.

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4 7
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