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The Bad Guys in Attack of the Zittens (The…
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The Bad Guys in Attack of the Zittens (The Bad Guys #4) (4) (editie 2017)

door Aaron Blabey (Auteur)

Reeksen: The Bad Guys (4)

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1,2441116,282 (4.21)4
"It's a zombie kitten apocalypse! Can the Bad Guys save the world from evil Dr. Marmalade's meowing monsters?!? They'll need help from foxy Agent Fox, a swampy secret zombie antidote, and the feistiest, toothiest, hungriest granny around. Get ready to watch the fur fly!"--Page 4 of cover.
Titel:The Bad Guys in Attack of the Zittens (The Bad Guys #4) (4)
Auteurs:Aaron Blabey (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Paperbacks (2017), Edition: Illustrated, 144 pages
Verzamelingen:Ms. Christy's Library

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The Bad Guys in Attack of the Zittens door Aaron Blabey

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1-5 van 11 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
{My thoughts} – It would appear that the evil guinea pig had become quite an issue. He is out for revenge by whatever means possible. The Bad Guys tried to do good by rescuing those chickens in book two and ever since this guy has had it out for them. He has been taking things further and further each book. In this book he unleashes a horde of zombie kittens. He says they are his best weapon to this point.

The Bad Guys and Agent Fox go to find a cure for the zittens. They end up visiting an old alligator that tries to eat them and pretends to have memory loss throughout the story. It was rather funny. Once they get the cure they attempt to get all the zittens to be normal kittens again.

I can’t wait to start the next book and see what happens. This is definitely a fun series to read. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
As we pick up on the cliffhanger. Dr. Marmalade has released the Zittens. Now it is up to Agent Fox and the Good Guys to find Grandma Gumbo and bring her a Zitten so she can come up with an antidote to their villiany. Marmalade has escaped and Shark and Piranha have been sent to find them and they have a cool disguise. Will it work? Will the Zittens be stopped?

I enjoy this series. It makes me laugh out loud. The Good Guys are crazy and then add new members. Wolf is infatuated with Agent Fox and puts the guys at risk trying to impress her. This also ends on a cliffhanger so I shall have to get the next book to find out if they get Marmalade. This is so much fun. ( )
  Sheila1957 | May 8, 2022 |
So the next Bad Guys caper finds us knee deep in a Kitty Zombie apocalypse. If you have familiarized yourselves with the Walking Dead, which I of course have not, then you are well aware that most Zombies have a "No Leftovers" philosophy. Rest assured, that the newly introduced mutant Zittens have been well trained. So our Good Guys in training are in quite a Bad situation.

As they battle a cranky Mr. Snake (who seems to be crankier and crankier, in my opinion), it's Agent Fox to the rescue. Once again, the guys are split up as they tackle opposite missions all for the greater good.

I have to say that I like that this series keeps the pages fresh. Although every story flows seamlessly together, each one has it's own set of circumstances. We also have yet another new character. A chomping elixir mixing gator named Granny Gumbo. Together, they all work to combat those ferocious mutant zitties created by that nutty little furball Dr. Marmalade.

This was another enjoyable read for juveniles. I'm not sure what others may think. When it comes to an ongoing series, I often find that your attention can start to waver a bit. And it seems like, the author's does as well. That's not the vibe I've gotten so far. I've found with Bad Guys that the flow, as I've said before, is perfect for kids. It's got a healthy mix of elements to maintain their attention and keep them interested. Each episode so far has had a different subject, which -opinion imminent-is perfect because you don't bore quickly and feel like you are reading the same story. ( )
  RayRosa | Feb 18, 2022 |
children's graphic fiction/short chapter book (K?-5th grade and up, but can work with younger kids as a read-aloud)

kid-friendly illustrations (in black and white) and sparing text with lots of snide remarks, these should be a hit with many young readers. ( )
  reader1009 | Feb 2, 2022 |
'It's a zombie kitten apocalypse! Can the Bad Guys save the world from evil Dr. Marmalade? They'll need help from foxy Agent Fox, a secret zombie antidote, and the feistiest, toothiest, hungriest granny around.'

This book is very intriguing. It is very nice how all the books are connected and have a recurring theme which is teamwork. Aaron Blabey also incorporates humour into his books which is very nice. I rate this book a 6/10 and recommend it to 8-10 yrs old ( )
  firelion | Nov 5, 2021 |
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"It's a zombie kitten apocalypse! Can the Bad Guys save the world from evil Dr. Marmalade's meowing monsters?!? They'll need help from foxy Agent Fox, a swampy secret zombie antidote, and the feistiest, toothiest, hungriest granny around. Get ready to watch the fur fly!"--Page 4 of cover.

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Gemiddelde: (4.21)
2.5 1
3 4
3.5 1
4 7
4.5 3
5 10

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