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The Monster on Top of the Bed - Creative Edition: With My Monster on Top of the Bed to encourage children to write their own story (Suzy & Karrit) (Volume 2)

door Alan H. Jordan

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What if the monster under the bed was scared of the monster on top of the bed? Meet Karrit, a friendly monster who lives under the bed of a little girl named Suzy. Karrit often heard Suzy doing kind things, and he wanted to be her friend. But one day he heard Suzy mention eating karrits... could it possibly be true? One day Karrit was brave enough to climb above the bed to meet Suzy. He figured if he was friendly enough, Suzy wouldn't eat him. But what would happen when the monster from under the bed met the girl who slept on top? The Monster On Top of the Bedis a heartwarming story about two opposites who discover they have fears and dreams in common, even though they live on different sides of the bed. Find out what happens to Karrit and Suzy in this charming children's book that's suitable for children of all ages. The Monster on Top of the Bed - Creative Edition, with My Monster on Top of the Bed was created to encourage children to write their own story. Your child or grandchild is really the author of the first part of this book. When a child writes their own story directly on the Manuela Pentangelo's artwork, they develop a strong sense of self confidence. Almost universally, when children read their story to parents, grandparents and other adults, who "oooh" and "ahh" over the book that they wrote, their self-esteem rises. If a child needs inspiration, they simply turn to the back of the combined book and find the story The Monster on Top of the Bed. But, the benefits don't stop there. Often, after a child re-reads a story that they authored, they begin to read other stories to get inspirations for the next story that they want to write.Night fears are likely to melt away because the child has figured out their own solution. This is especially true when they read their book to parents, grandparents and other adults, who praise them and reinforce the child's own ideas.The Monster on Top of the Bed was written for children between the ages of three to seven, but many older children have a lingering, or subconscious, fear of monsters. When they read the story to younger siblings, they also benefit.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doordayverampas

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I received kindle edition of The Monster on Top of the Bed by Alan H Jordn just a few days ago. I would love to thank the author for giving me the opportunity to read a very nice story. I've decided to read it with my 3 year-old daughter last night, and I laughed out loud when she asked me whether there's a critter under the bed (because I answered her that critter would only live under the bed if she never tidy up her bedroom!).

This book has a very simple story with very cute drawn pictures (and colorful, too). This makes my daughter loves to point out everything that she saw on the book. "Mummy, what's this/that?" as she pointed out Karrit who was hiding under Suzy's bed. I find this book has a very interesting story as my daughter keeps on asking me about Karrit (and why Karrit has a weird look, etc). It keeps my daughter attached with the storyline. I love the concept of this book especially when there's a few quizzes after the story that will keep children involved in this story.

More: Lifewarp in Borneo - Book: The Monster on Top of the Bed (Suzy & Karrit) (Volume 1) ( )
  dayverampas | Sep 17, 2017 |
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What if the monster under the bed was scared of the monster on top of the bed? Meet Karrit, a friendly monster who lives under the bed of a little girl named Suzy. Karrit often heard Suzy doing kind things, and he wanted to be her friend. But one day he heard Suzy mention eating karrits... could it possibly be true? One day Karrit was brave enough to climb above the bed to meet Suzy. He figured if he was friendly enough, Suzy wouldn't eat him. But what would happen when the monster from under the bed met the girl who slept on top? The Monster On Top of the Bedis a heartwarming story about two opposites who discover they have fears and dreams in common, even though they live on different sides of the bed. Find out what happens to Karrit and Suzy in this charming children's book that's suitable for children of all ages. The Monster on Top of the Bed - Creative Edition, with My Monster on Top of the Bed was created to encourage children to write their own story. Your child or grandchild is really the author of the first part of this book. When a child writes their own story directly on the Manuela Pentangelo's artwork, they develop a strong sense of self confidence. Almost universally, when children read their story to parents, grandparents and other adults, who "oooh" and "ahh" over the book that they wrote, their self-esteem rises. If a child needs inspiration, they simply turn to the back of the combined book and find the story The Monster on Top of the Bed. But, the benefits don't stop there. Often, after a child re-reads a story that they authored, they begin to read other stories to get inspirations for the next story that they want to write.Night fears are likely to melt away because the child has figured out their own solution. This is especially true when they read their book to parents, grandparents and other adults, who praise them and reinforce the child's own ideas.The Monster on Top of the Bed was written for children between the ages of three to seven, but many older children have a lingering, or subconscious, fear of monsters. When they read the story to younger siblings, they also benefit.

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Alan H. Jordan is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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