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Judo for schools

door Ken Maynard

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Two long-established teachers of junior judo, who are also experienced writers, have combined their talents to produce thsi authoritative work which describes clearly the techniques of the sport of judo in a most interesting and readable book.

Primarily intended for use in schools, the book describes all the main popular techniques. details of necessary equipment, contest rules, and competition organization are given. General background information of the sport and biographical notes on famous players are also included.

The authors use the 'continuous movement' method of teaching which has proved so successful in the past. The pupil is shown not only the throw or hold but also the transitional movements which link one technique with another. The holding techniques are not, as so often has been the case with judo books in the past, in a separate section but are dealt with as they occur in a movement pattern. Certain techniques that are restricted to use by senior pupils are given in a supplement to each chapter.

Well illustrated with photographs of actual contests, many from the National Junior Team Championships, this book will enable the school teacher to give a comprehensive course in judo with, minimum of help for a judo coach. For the boy who is member of a club it wil provide a valuable addition to the club coach's teaching.

Four years after taking a beginner's course Ken Maynard was a member of the Great Britain Judo team which in winning the 1959 European Championships in Vienna, gave Great Britain the distinction of being the first country to win the team trophy for three successive years.

After a judo career including captaincy of the 1961 European championship team, and entry in the 1961 World Championships, he acheved success a Home Counties Coach, producing the team which won the 1965 National Team Championship.

He has been Chairman of the Technical Board and member of the Executive and Coaching Committees. Currently he coaches extensively in the Home Counties. A fourth dan, he speaks with an authoritative voice about Judo practice and coaching.

Journalist and photographer, Alan R. Menzies is Editor of Judo, the national magazine. He has a world-wide reputation for his feature articles on international competition and is an acknowledged source of information of the sport.

He is Vice-President of the European Judo Union. A member of the British Judo Association Executive Committee, National Selection Committee, National Refereeing Committee, National Junior Committee, and several specialist sub-committees.


Chapter 1 Tai-otoshi
Chapter 2 Ippon seoi-nage
Chapter 3 O-soto-gari
Chapter 4 Harai-goshi
Chapter 5 Uchi-mata
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
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