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The Château: A Novel

door Paul Goldberg

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411628,028 (3.1)1
Facing daunting prospects after losing a prestigious job, a once-successful science reporter investigates the suspicious death of his college roommate, a Miami Beach plastic surgeon, in an all-or-nothing case that is shaped by the schemes of the reporter's political dissident father.
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Goldberg, the acclaimed author of The Yid, takes us behind the scenes of a Gold Coast condo board election, delivering a wild spin on Florida, Jewish Identity, petty crime, fascism, vodka, and life in Trump’s America. This powerful and dark comedy unfolds in the two weeks leading up to the inauguration of President Trump. Russian immigrants and vodka play a prominent role in the action. One reviewer remarked, “After you have read this book, you might be unable to look at a bottle of Grey Goose without a knowing smile on your face”.
  HandelmanLibraryTINR | Apr 16, 2018 |
Goldberg pokes at the politics of the United States with the stick of Russian cynicism, and simultaneously listens at the keyhole of Russian cynicism with the ear of an Americanized cynic. The Château is the perfect summer beach book for those of us too agonized by the world as it is to escape into a summer beach book. He has given us the luxurious pleasure of relaxing into the belly of the beast. Authoritarian governments, conspiracy, corruption, greed, and fraud! Come and bask in the golden clarity of outrage, sing along with Galich, laugh at good old Russian absurdity and history, absurdity so foreign to us here. Raise your glass of vodka in that glorious moment before…well, you know.
toegevoegd door SnootyBaronet | bewerkNew York Review of Books, Cathleen Schine
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Мы живем, под собою не чуя страны …
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We live not feeling the country beneath us …
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For Susan Keselenko Coll
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Let us not focus on the events that sent Zbignew Wronski over the railing of a forty-third-story balcony of the Grand Dux Hotel on South Ocean Drive in Hollywood, Florida, on January 5, 2017.
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Facing daunting prospects after losing a prestigious job, a once-successful science reporter investigates the suspicious death of his college roommate, a Miami Beach plastic surgeon, in an all-or-nothing case that is shaped by the schemes of the reporter's political dissident father.

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