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Divided by a Common Language: A Guide to British and American English (1997)

door Christopher Davies

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1676169,266 (3.67)5
Puzzled by signs warning you to "mind the gap" in the London Underground? Wondering what will be on your plate if you order "toad in the hole" in a London cafe ? In Divided by a Common Language, Christopher Davies explains these expressions and discusses the many differences in pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary between British and American English.… (meer)
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Really good, thorough lexicon of UK vs US English--dead serious, unlike most of these books. ( )
  beaujoe | Sep 13, 2021 |
One of the best books in my personal collection! This is a great book for anyone who is or may be interested in learning about the differences between British & American English. The layout is great and is organized in the right way! ( )
  tannerl | Jun 19, 2013 |
Fun book, I got a kick out of the fact this this book was like a foreign phrasebook but it's all English. ( )
1 stem icedream | May 16, 2013 |
I love this book! Since my discovery of the Internet (and Usenet in particular), I have developed friendships with people all over the world and several in both the UK and Australia. I am constantly running into the "wall" that divides us -- our common language. There is seldom a week that goes by that I'm not learning something new, or offending someone quite unintentionally! This volume is worth it's weight in gold to me. LOL Now, when I'm trying to describe something to one of my foreign friends, I can look it up in here and use the American word for it, along with what /they/ call it, so they'll know what I'm talking about. I seriously doubt if this book will ever make it back onto the bookshelf. It will live right here on my desk so it'll be handy to grab for interpretation. ( )
  madamejeanie | May 29, 2009 |
Enlightening and entertaining. ( )
  wktarin | Dec 26, 2008 |
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Since my first trip to the United States in 1979, I have been struck by the magnitude of the differences between British and American speech. (Foreword)
Noah Webster, the well known American lexicographer, forecast back in 1789 that eventually American English would be as different from British English as Dutch, Danish and Swedish are from German, or from each other.
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Puzzled by signs warning you to "mind the gap" in the London Underground? Wondering what will be on your plate if you order "toad in the hole" in a London cafe ? In Divided by a Common Language, Christopher Davies explains these expressions and discusses the many differences in pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary between British and American English.

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