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Christmas at the Dancing Duck

door Daisy James

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822,218,066 (3)1
Fiction. Romance. A wonderfully festive romantic read to curl up with this Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year! Ever since tragedy struck a few years ago, television presenter Kirstie Harrison has hated Christmas â?? but she didn't intend to tell the whole country live on air! She needs to lie low for a few weeks, so she's finally coming home for the holidays, determined that this Christmas will be different... Staying at the family pub, The Dancing Duck, means it's impossible not to get caught up in the little village of Cranbury's festive traditions. And it's equally impossible to avoid her ex, Josh Turner! Kirstie is torn between making this the best Christmas yet and knowing that she can't stay forever. Maybe it's time to make a holiday wish of her own...? Perfect for fans of Christie Barlow, Debbie Johnson and Cathy Braml… (meer)
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Toon 2 van 2
Cozy Christmas romance.

The story is good, there's everything in this story, friendship, community, second chances, good food, and lots of tinsel.

If it wasn't for the dialogues, very stilted, I'd have given this book four stars. ( )
  JulesGDSide | Nov 29, 2018 |
Cozy Christmas romance.

The story is good, there's everything in this story, friendship, community, second chances, good food, and lots of tinsel.

If it wasn't for the dialogues, very stilted, I'd have given this book four stars. ( )
  JulesGDSide | Nov 29, 2018 |
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Fiction. Romance. A wonderfully festive romantic read to curl up with this Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year! Ever since tragedy struck a few years ago, television presenter Kirstie Harrison has hated Christmas â?? but she didn't intend to tell the whole country live on air! She needs to lie low for a few weeks, so she's finally coming home for the holidays, determined that this Christmas will be different... Staying at the family pub, The Dancing Duck, means it's impossible not to get caught up in the little village of Cranbury's festive traditions. And it's equally impossible to avoid her ex, Josh Turner! Kirstie is torn between making this the best Christmas yet and knowing that she can't stay forever. Maybe it's time to make a holiday wish of her own...? Perfect for fans of Christie Barlow, Debbie Johnson and Cathy Braml

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