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The Same Night Awaits Us All

door Hristo Karastoyanov

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2021,129,493 (3.67)11
In June of 1923, a military coup established Aleksandar Tsankov as the new leader of Bulgaria. His fascist policies - especially aimed at the Bulgarian Communist Party - led to the failed September Uprising and an extended period of martial law. At that same time, Geo Milev - one of Bulgaria's most beloved poets - started a politically charged literary magazine with Georgi Sheytanov, a notorious anarchist on the run. Eighteen months later, the government assassinated both of them, although Milev's body wouldn't be found for another thirty years.… (meer)
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Fictionalized retelling of the last days of poet Geo Milev and anarchist Georgi Sheytanov during the fascist Tsankov government. Very post-modern with lots of chronological jumps, digressions, and metafiction. ( )
  encephalical | Aug 13, 2018 |
Set in Bulgaria in the 1920s, this is a piece of historical fiction. Bulgaria was the site of a failed communist uprising, followed by a period of martial law. Two men, Geo Milev (famous poet) & Georgi Sheytanov (famous anarchist) try to start a subversive new magazine. The story tells of the incredible sense of chaos and fear of the period from the perspective of a philosopher and a warrior. While for the most part the plot is engaging as are the characters, at times it dragged, and at other times was a bit boring. A good book, just not up to the usual standard I have come cv to expect from Open Letter publications. I would strongly recommend reading Geo Milev's poem "September", which is included at the end of the book! ( )
  hemlokgang | Aug 6, 2018 |
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Hristo Karastoyanovprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Angel, IzidoraVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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“The same night awaits us all,
And the road to death is to be trodden once.”

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In June of 1923, a military coup established Aleksandar Tsankov as the new leader of Bulgaria. His fascist policies - especially aimed at the Bulgarian Communist Party - led to the failed September Uprising and an extended period of martial law. At that same time, Geo Milev - one of Bulgaria's most beloved poets - started a politically charged literary magazine with Georgi Sheytanov, a notorious anarchist on the run. Eighteen months later, the government assassinated both of them, although Milev's body wouldn't be found for another thirty years.

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