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Jezus leeft en woont op Venus (1973)

door Christopher Riche Evans

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662412,530 (3.81)2
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Author Evans book provides a summary of the various and sundry cults and occult fads that rose and fell and carried on to some extent or other during the first three quarters of the 20th Century. The presentation of the various facets of cults, their beliefs, founders, and followers is done in the form of here-is-what-we-know. The author has striven to avoid judgmental commentary. This is commendable but, in light of some of the things that have happened in this sector of human endeavor since the 1974 publication, one has to wonder how the author would approach the subject today.

The cult aspect of the book covers Scientology, The Aetherius Society (born of the flying saucer fad), George de la Warr and his black boxes, Ivanovich Gurdjieff and The Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man, and Besant and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society (the origin of Krishnamurti). The book also provides a general overview of books, individuals, and assorted small groups whose views are driven by such things as flying saucers, black boxes, EKG feedback, Orgone accumulators, etc.

I think the book is an acceptable overview of the subject and would be of interest to anyone wishing to gain some understanding of cults whose beginnings can be traced to 1974 or before. ( )
  alco261 | Feb 20, 2023 |
Dr Evans did consultation work for a favorite TV show from childhood, "The Tomorrow People". I has be looking for this books for several years before finding it in the Monkey's Paw in Toronto.

He examines UFO cults, Scientology and more. A quick informative read.

My copy's falling apart, let me know if you are done with yours. ;) ( )
  aeceyton | Dec 26, 2020 |
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Christopher Riche Evansprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Pennington, BruceArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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