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Divisadero door Michael Ondaatje
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Divisadero (origineel 2007; editie 2007)

door Michael Ondaatje

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
2,364856,784 (3.52)145
In California, then the Nevada casino's, 1970 a makeshift family of a father, daughter, adopted daughter and farm hand's lives are shattered by a traumatic event and they are sent off on separate courses.
Auteurs:Michael Ondaatje
Info:Knopf (2007), Hardcover, 288 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:FICTION, 1970's, California, France, family, past & present, violence, affair

Informatie over het werk

Divisadero door Michael Ondaatje (2007)

  1. 00
    Three Junes door Julia Glass (eveninglightwriter)
    eveninglightwriter: While Ondaatje is definitly more poetic in his descriptions, Julia Glass is just as enjoyable. I really felt myself swept away by both books. There seems to be a strong sense of place and time that both writers portray beautifully.
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Engels (80)  Noors (1)  Frans (1)  Alle talen (82)
1-5 van 82 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Gorgeous language, mysterious characters, lives that intersect in geographical space and across time. Who is real, and who is fictional? Who is telling the stories? The blue table!
  LynnMK | Dec 22, 2023 |
A family: two daughters, a father, a handyman. An almost numbing act of violence and each member of the family goes his or her own way. The book starts in Northern California and then roams the American West and rural France. As someone on Goodreads wrote, this “is not about the things that happened; it is a story about the things that were felt.” It is about what makes people tick and words are less important than relationships, feelings, silences. A point probably worth making: if you like “traditional” novels with a beginning, a middle, and an end, don’t read this book. It isn’t that kind of book. The middle isn’t a middle, the end most certainly is not an end. There is no end. Life has no end. Just puzzles without a solution, strings not tied up, false starts….
It took a while for me to get into this because Ondaatje focused on a part of the story/stories that just didn’t grab me. But once you’re involved, watch out! It’s partly the story, partly the writing, partly the omissions, the subtext. There’s a very short (maybe four or five page) “interlude” that is part of the backstory more than halfway in about a stepfather. Some of the best writing I have ever read, bar nothing. Ondaatje is one of the very best authors writing anywhere. Why isn’t HE on the Nobel short list? In a word: brilliant. ( )
  Gypsy_Boy | Aug 24, 2023 |
I like when an author switches from one perspective/narrator to another, and then successfully weaves them together to make a whole story. The key to this is the successful weaving part, though, and this is where "Divisadero" fails the most for me. Also, I prefer a plot, story arc, and a pretty high verb to adjective ratio, none of which did this book have. It was more a collection of vignettes, yet they didn't all come together to make something more than the sum of their parts like a good collection should. (An excellent example of vignettes coming together to make more than the sum of their parts is "The House on Mango Street" - super good read.)

This book was the July selection for my book club, and after talking it over and hearing their interpretations I actually have a much more positive view of this book than when I had first finished reading it. They discussed themes of loneliness and divisions ("divisaderos"), poetry disguised as prose, and the human need for closure. All these ideas are very tied to this book, yet did not become obvious to me until others pointed them out. Hearing the book clubbers talk about these themes was enjoyable, but reading this book was not. ( )
  blueskygreentrees | Jul 30, 2023 |
between 2.5 and 3 stars. man, his writing is exquisite. i thought i was going to swoon my way through this when i first opened it. i love when poets write prose.

that said, this didn't work for me as much as i wanted it to. it was still beautiful and lovely and made me care more than i expected about some of the characters and situations, but some of it seemed a little untethered and incomplete. but. the writing. goodness the writing. ( )
  overlycriticalelisa | Dec 7, 2022 |
He develops character marvelously. I become immediately involved in every character presented. He also moves plot, making me want more. There is still something missing for me, and I think it is that no one's story seems complete or finished. In the end it is like getting a vignette that is to be continued but never is. ( )
  mattorsara | Aug 11, 2022 |
1-5 van 82 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (23 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Michael Ondaatjeprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Calil, Augusto PachecoVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Walz, MelanieVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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For John and Beverly
and in loving memory of Creon Corea
- remembered by us as 'Egilly"
Eerste woorden
Wanneer ik in je armen lig, vraag je me soms op welk historisch tijdstip ik zou willen bestaan.
Wij hebben kunst opdat wij niet door de waarheid zullen worden vernietigd (Nietzsche)
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Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

In California, then the Nevada casino's, 1970 a makeshift family of a father, daughter, adopted daughter and farm hand's lives are shattered by a traumatic event and they are sent off on separate courses.

Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (3.52)
0.5 1
1 12
1.5 3
2 54
2.5 13
3 155
3.5 44
4 171
4.5 15
5 81

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