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The Lost Love Letters of Henri Fournier

door Rosalind Brackenbury

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What do you do when you've lost the love of your life?Seb Fowler has arrived in Paris to research his literary idol, Henri Fournier. It begins with an interview granted by a woman whose affair with the celebrated writer trails back to World War I. The enchanting Pauline is fragile, but her memories are alive--those of an illicit passion, of the chances she took and never regretted, and of the twists of fate that defined her unforgettable love story.Through Pauline's love letters, her secrets, and a lost Fournier manuscript, Seb will come to learn so much more--about Pauline, Henri, and himself. For Seb, every moment of Pauline's past proves to be more inspiring than he could have imagined. She's given him the courage to grab hold of whatever life offers, to cherish each risk, and to pursue love in his life.Intimately epic, The Lost Love Letters of Henri Fournier spans generations to explore every beautiful mystery of falling in love, being in love, and losing a love--and, most important, daring to love again and discovering just how resilient the human heart can be.… (meer)
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I decided to listen to the audio version of this book. Sometimes I do both, read at home and listen at work. However, sometimes a narrator is so good that I just feel the need to listen when I'm at home as well. And so it was with this book. Cassandra Campbell shifted between the characters effortlessly and her French accent is marvelous. It was a great joy to listen to this book.

I had no idea that THE LOST LOVE LETTERS OF HENRI FOURNIER is based on real people. I didn't learn that until I read a review of the book and later on the afterwords by the author. This is a fictional tale of real people. My favorite kind of historical fiction. Interesting enough did I prefer the story set in the 1970s and the present, rather than the one set during the 1910s. Not that I disliked reading about Pauline love affair with Henri. I was just more engrossed in Pauline's recollections and Seb's story, both in the 70s and present. I really liked old Pauline, she was so full of wisdom and sass. And I could picture in my head her apartment in Paris filled with old things gathered through the years.

THE LOST LOVE LETTERS OF HENRI FOURNIER is a great historical fiction novel. I'm not a big fan of romance novels, but I do love reading a historical fiction with some romance now and then. And, if you also like books about real people, epic love stories, and tragic events then you will love this book! ( )
  MaraBlaise | Jul 23, 2022 |
An interesting historical fiction with emphasis on written love letters. I really enjoyed the section based during WWI, the modern sections, not as much. 4 stars for this one. ( )
  SharleneMartinMoore | Apr 24, 2021 |
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What do you do when you've lost the love of your life?Seb Fowler has arrived in Paris to research his literary idol, Henri Fournier. It begins with an interview granted by a woman whose affair with the celebrated writer trails back to World War I. The enchanting Pauline is fragile, but her memories are alive--those of an illicit passion, of the chances she took and never regretted, and of the twists of fate that defined her unforgettable love story.Through Pauline's love letters, her secrets, and a lost Fournier manuscript, Seb will come to learn so much more--about Pauline, Henri, and himself. For Seb, every moment of Pauline's past proves to be more inspiring than he could have imagined. She's given him the courage to grab hold of whatever life offers, to cherish each risk, and to pursue love in his life.Intimately epic, The Lost Love Letters of Henri Fournier spans generations to explore every beautiful mystery of falling in love, being in love, and losing a love--and, most important, daring to love again and discovering just how resilient the human heart can be.

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