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America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money: Your Guide to Living Better, Spending Less, and Cashing in on Your Dreams

door Steve Economides, Annette Economides

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2318120,943 (3.28)4
Business. Finance. Nonfiction. Do you have too much month at the end of your money? Is your credit card screaming for relief? Are you tired of robbing Peter to pay Paul...whoever they are? Meet Steve and Annette Economides. They've been called cheapskates, thriftaholics, and tightwads, but in these tough economic times, Steve and Annette have managed to feed their family of seven on just $350 per month, pay off their first house in nine years and purchase a second, larger home, buy cars with cash, take wonderful vacations, and put money in savings. Without degrees in finance or six-figure salaries, Steve and Annette have created a comfortable, debt-free life for themselves and their children. In America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money, they show you how they did it-and how you can do it too. Steve and Annette share many down-to-earth principles and the simple spending plan that they have used since 1982. They have taught this economizing lifestyle to thousands of people worldwide through seminars and their newsletter, and they include lots of real-life stories to make you feel as if you're having your own private coaching session. Not only will you find solutions to your financial dilemmas, you'll also discover a whole new way of life. You don't need to be a CPA or a math wizard to learn their revolutionary system, which will teach you: hundreds of ways to save money on everyday household expenses, including groceries, clothing, and health care how to save in advance for major purchases such as homes, cars, and vacations how to stop living paycheck to paycheck how to eliminate debt . . . forever! America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money puts meeting your financial goals-and living well at the same time-in reach for every family.… (meer)
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1-5 van 8 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Good advice, but nothing new here! ( )
  Tess_W | Jun 27, 2020 |
There are some great ideas in this book. I do some of them already, but it gave me some more ideas. ( )
  LVStrongPuff | Dec 19, 2019 |
It might seem amazing, but the Economides family has raised as many as five kids on as little as $35,000 a year, with homes paid off in nine years and cars paid for with cash. The tips and tricks in this book are excellent and also realistic, making their frugality accessible to the rest of us. The writing style is refreshing, with only a few of the sexist asides that appear in husband-wife books. (For example, in the section about spendthrifts, they suggest separate small accounts for the spendthrift husband and the spendthrift wife, but suggest that only the wife is likely to go over her limit. But examples like that are rare in this book.) They're religious, but not heavy-handed about it. The input from the kids is also refreshing. ( )
  LibrarianJen | Dec 1, 2017 |
This book contains a great range of suggestions for easy and economic ways of saving money. From ideas for basic budgeting, to tips for saving money on vacation, and even ways to enjoy free time with your family; this book has a few suggestions for everyone ( )
  chsbellboy | Sep 18, 2010 |
While a quick and easy read about being thrifty, this is mostly an inspiration book. Most of it deals with being thrifty with a large family, so if you don't have kids, you'll probably find little to take away. Also, many of the tips seem superficial. For instance, they recommend the snowball method (though they don't call it this) for debt reduction. While they explain how to do it (pay off the smallest debt first, then apply whatever you were paying towards that debt towards the next largest, etc), they don't explain why you should use that method over paying off the highest interest debt first. ( )
1 stem lalawe | May 4, 2009 |
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Business. Finance. Nonfiction. Do you have too much month at the end of your money? Is your credit card screaming for relief? Are you tired of robbing Peter to pay Paul...whoever they are? Meet Steve and Annette Economides. They've been called cheapskates, thriftaholics, and tightwads, but in these tough economic times, Steve and Annette have managed to feed their family of seven on just $350 per month, pay off their first house in nine years and purchase a second, larger home, buy cars with cash, take wonderful vacations, and put money in savings. Without degrees in finance or six-figure salaries, Steve and Annette have created a comfortable, debt-free life for themselves and their children. In America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money, they show you how they did it-and how you can do it too. Steve and Annette share many down-to-earth principles and the simple spending plan that they have used since 1982. They have taught this economizing lifestyle to thousands of people worldwide through seminars and their newsletter, and they include lots of real-life stories to make you feel as if you're having your own private coaching session. Not only will you find solutions to your financial dilemmas, you'll also discover a whole new way of life. You don't need to be a CPA or a math wizard to learn their revolutionary system, which will teach you: hundreds of ways to save money on everyday household expenses, including groceries, clothing, and health care how to save in advance for major purchases such as homes, cars, and vacations how to stop living paycheck to paycheck how to eliminate debt . . . forever! America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money puts meeting your financial goals-and living well at the same time-in reach for every family.

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Gemiddelde: (3.28)
1 2
2 8
3 10
3.5 3
4 10
4.5 1
5 5

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