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My dear Krauts: Wie ich die Deutschen entdeckte

door Roger Boyes

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1082260,940 (2.43)Geen
'It was time, the editor told me, for a more modern approach to Germany... The three of us were the backbone of the British press corps. No cliché about Germany left the country without us having given it our seal of approval.' Laugh-out-loud funny, this is the memorable story of an English journalist's adventures - including his encounters with women - as he tries to get to grip with the Germans. Facing bankruptcy, Roger is advised by his accountant to make use of a legal loophole: in Germany married couples have their tax bill halved. So the search is on for a German bride. Meanwhile his father, a former bomber pilot and war hero, is also in financial trouble and is threatening to move to Germany and sponge off his son. The combination of financial, romantic and parental crises sets in train a hilarious romp during which we discover more than we really wanted to about speed-dating and nudist beaches, the British media obsession with Adolf Hitler and how to cheat at the Berlin marathon, curry wurst and stuffed cabbage. Writing incisively and almost without prejudice, Roger Boyes describes the peculiarities of everyday life in Germany.… (meer)
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Boyes arrives in Germany hoping to understand the German people better and to collect anecdotes about Hitler for the UK press. But he is up the financial creek without a paddle and his accountant advises him to find a bride quickly for tax reasons. And so begins the amusing tales of his year in Germany.

Immersing himself in the culture he tries speed dating, inadvertently visits a nudist beach, spectacularly fails at cooking several times, has a massive relationship disaster and alienates two women in the process, and has his father and his friend turn up.

It is a mildly amusing book, and is as much about the British culture, as it is about German culture. It does end on a happy note, but not for the reasons that you think. ( )
  PDCRead | Apr 6, 2020 |
Described as "the story of an English journalist's absurd adventures living in Germany"; having visited any number of times, I bought this to see what I was missing, (or, alternatively, how I might sympathise with his issues). My daughter now lives in Germany, so i'll show her when we catch up
  corracreigh | Mar 23, 2016 |
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Roger Boyesprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Henrici, AxelVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Waltz, ChristophVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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'It was time, the editor told me, for a more modern approach to Germany... The three of us were the backbone of the British press corps. No cliché about Germany left the country without us having given it our seal of approval.' Laugh-out-loud funny, this is the memorable story of an English journalist's adventures - including his encounters with women - as he tries to get to grip with the Germans. Facing bankruptcy, Roger is advised by his accountant to make use of a legal loophole: in Germany married couples have their tax bill halved. So the search is on for a German bride. Meanwhile his father, a former bomber pilot and war hero, is also in financial trouble and is threatening to move to Germany and sponge off his son. The combination of financial, romantic and parental crises sets in train a hilarious romp during which we discover more than we really wanted to about speed-dating and nudist beaches, the British media obsession with Adolf Hitler and how to cheat at the Berlin marathon, curry wurst and stuffed cabbage. Writing incisively and almost without prejudice, Roger Boyes describes the peculiarities of everyday life in Germany.

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