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Our Seasons

door Grace Lin, Ranida T. McKneally (Auteur)

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17626160,502 (3.9)Geen
An introduction to seasons.
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This books talks about our seasons, and why we have them. It talks about the earth and how it travels around the sun and how it tilts in the process, which causes us to have seasons. It also talks about the individual seasons, and how, for example, in Autumn, there is wind, leaves changing color, cold air, etc. and why and how these things happen. It talks about each of the seasons, what happens during these seasons, and how and why these things happen during these seasons. It also provides illustrations of these seasons, and what happens during the seasons. ( )
  etaborski16 | Nov 5, 2019 |
I really liked this book for a couple different reasons. I love how descriptive and informational the author was when she talked about each season. She didn’t just tell us why we have four seasons, but she goes further and tells us what happens and why certain things happen in those seasons. For example, when reading about the spring the reader learns about how and why bees pollenate and why often times people sneeze a lot in spring because they are allergic to pollen. The author could have just made this story simple and to the point, but she didn’t and that’s what made the story even more interesting. I also really like how the author made room for you to be interactive. Many of the headings in the story are questions, which allows you to think, reflect and even made predictions. For example, in the section about summer the author uses the heading,” Why Do Fireflies Glow?” This heading allows for open discussion and gives you as the reader the chance to really think about why fireflies light up at night in the summer time. All in all, I really enjoyed this book and thing Grace Lin did a great job explaining the seasons in this informative text. ( )
  hannahduckworth | Sep 17, 2018 |
I enjoyed this book for two main reasons. First, I really liked the style in which the book was written. A multitude of pages were prompted with a question, such as “Why is there frost on the window?” The author then explained the answer to the question in simple terms for the reader to understand. This was helpful because as a reader I understood exactly what topic would be covered on each page. Another reason I enjoyed this book was the illustrations. Each drawing created a more fascinating read. One of the sections of the book discusses fall and leaves falling off of the trees. An illustration of the colorful leaves falling off trees is depicted next to the text which is very helpful to the reader. In my opinion, the main idea of this nonfiction piece of literature was to inform readers about the four seasons that we experience and what occurs during each one. ( )
  chloevschultz | Apr 2, 2018 |
This book has everything you need to know about seasons. It has details about every season that children might want to know. ( )
  jasminenesbitt1 | Feb 22, 2018 |
This book answers essential questions that students could ask about the reasons behind frost on a window, or why bees like flowers. It is extremely informational and includes a separate portion of the pages for these questions and answers in kid friendly language.
Genre: informational ( )
  MadisonShawA | Oct 15, 2017 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Grace Linprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
McKneally, Ranida T.Auteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd


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An introduction to seasons.

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Gemiddelde: (3.9)
1 1
2 2
3 5
3.5 1
4 11
4.5 3
5 8

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