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Blood Laws

door Lexi C. Foss

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Reeksen: Immortal Curse (1)

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585463,399 (3.5)Geen
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Science Fiction. HTML:

In a world where vampires and angels live in secret, one woman is prophesied to destroy them all.

Astasiya Davenport knows she's different. It's hard to miss her peculiar skillset when she can persuade everyone around her to do whatever she wants just by uttering a few words. But she's never understood where the ability came from.

Until she met him. Issac Wakefield. Billionaire extraordinaire. Vampire. A dark knight who should kill her, but offers her a deal instead.

He's full of secrets and answers and the truth about her past. But she'll have to betray everyone she knows in order to make him talk.

A lethal game begins.
Loyalties are tested.
And a forbidden love threatens to shatter them all.

An immortal war is coming. What side will you choose?

Start the internationally bestselling series today with Blood Laws, an award winning novel guaranteed to leave you on the edge of your seat.

Author's Note: This is a series and there will be cliffhangers.

2017 New Apple Book Awards Romance Solo Medalist Winner

* * *

"What are you wearing under this dress?" he asked, his mouth brushing hers, the words whisper-soft.

Not what she expected him to say. "E-excuse me?"

His teeth sank into her lower lip, making her yelp. "Focus."

On what? The demon club? The humans dying downstairs? The fact that you're a f*cking vampire? Where should I begin?

He sighed, his forehead falling to hers. "Astasiya, we have very little time to sort this before the Conclave. I need you to work with me. Both our lives depend on it. What are you wearing?"

She cleared her throat, her hold on his neck tightening as if needing his support to respond. And maybe she did. This was all a lot to take in. "A, uh, thong," she managed to say. "And a strapless bra." Both black and lacy, but she didn't add that part.

One of his hands drifted from her hair to her waist, then down to her ass. His palm flattened and forced her to arch up into him. A breath hitched in her throat at the feel of his growing arousal.

He's turned on... here... now?

She trembled, the heat of his body seeping into her cool skin, warming her blood. They were standing rather close. And he smelled amazing, as always.

Anywhere else, in the dark, she'd have kissed him.

But here...

"The dress will have to stay, then," he said, the disappointment evident in his voice.

She frowned. "What's wrong with my dress?" It hit her midthigh and clung to her curves. She looked good in it.
He ignored her, his mouth brushing hers in a chaste kiss as his hips pressed firmly into hers.

Definitely aroused.

"You're going to see things tonight that will make you want to scream, but you must remain calm and quiet. Mortals who overreact die, and they die badly."

.… (meer)
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Toon 5 van 5
"Astasiya Davenport's best friend is dead. No, not just dead--murdered. Burned alive. Decapitated."

This is the lead line.
Read it again.
Let me help you out.
Best friend is dead (that's sad..)
Murdered. oh no..
Burned alive (ouch)
ok those two go together if albeit a bit messy.
Now for item three. Decapitated.

Let's recap...
You can be murdered by being burned alive.
You can be murdered by decapitation. (this is very final)
But you cannot murdered by decapitation and be burned alive (crispy results) or vice versa.
(to be fair you could be burned and then decapitated but that's not what they indicate)

Apologies to Astasiya* Davenport and her less than alive best friend but they need a better editor, or possibly a murderous advisor.

*how does one pronounce that?! /Ahs-taszh-sya/?

(filed under didn't finish, review category "which of these things doesn't belong" ) ( )
  Kiri | Dec 24, 2023 |
tstl heroine ( )
  omission | Oct 19, 2023 |
I love Lexi Foss's books and Blood Laws blew my mind. A young woman who has lost so much , not knowing why, a job that isn't what it seems, and a violent death to a friend. To top that off a strange man saves her from being found by 2 men coming out of her friends apartment. How did he do it, what is he, what does he want from her, and how can have she have any kind of feelings for him? This is an amazing 1st book to a start of a series, that has everything from demons of different names, sick twisted leaders and their followers, a sexy demon who wants something, who has a group of friends who are like family, friends who are enemies, enemies that are friends. The feelings and emotions are everywhere in the book, but those give an amazing feeling to the book. I love the books that have main characters that have depth to them, other ones that can either give you the creeps , hate them , or fall in love with them. Lexi Foss does that, she writes books that gives different feelings, emotions and wonderful characters that say those feelings with the reader. This is a must read series, but not for the faint of heart. If you are I recommend to skip a few parts (just remember that those parts give you some of the reason the way some characters are the way they are) the rest of the book is worth it . ( )
  Dolphinmom729 | Jul 8, 2020 |

I adored this so so much, it was just such an imaginative and fascinating beginning to this series and one that I am most definitely on board and invested with all the way.
This author whilst relatively new to me has managed to pull it out the bag once again, this is the third book I have read by her and each one has managed to captivate and entrall from start to finish.
Definitely auto-buy for me now and I can't wait to see what she manages to bring forth next.
So, as usual, the world building here was up there with the best I've experienced to date and as an added incentive here the writing manages to drip-feed you into this fantastical world without confusing or totally overwhelming: very impressive undertaking indeed as the world is so vastly immense and intricate.
Each instalment in this series focuses on one couple, but there is an ongoing story arc that makes this a series that you will need to read in order if that makes sense.
This is actually a really hard premise to describe briefly but the short version to this is there are two opposing factions of supernaturals the Ichorians and the Hydraians who though currently at a ceasefire and a tentative declaration of a truce are actually on the brink of war breaking out.
Anastasiya Davenport and Issac Wakefield are somehow caught up in the middle of this conflict.
Obviously, there is a lot more to this than what Ive outlined here but that's the bare bones of it.
So characters: I adored the relationship dynamic between Anastasiya and Issac and the almost slow burn build up to there affair.
Though of slow burn in nature, this didn't miss out at all from that fact as there was plenty of sensual heated buildup provided to the main event.
The connection between these two was off the charts and projected off the page itself with its compelling intensity and I could feel their particular bond right down to my very bones themselves.
I also really did like Issac as a character and all his darlings and loves towards Anastasiya I found to be so incredibly charming indeed.
I especially appreciated Issac's ability to allow Aya to be her own person and make her own decisions regardless of how they impacted on his personal fear for her safety.
He respected her right to make her own choices which was refreshing.
Anastasiya I also liked but she could be a trifle naive in nature trusting a tad to blindly, she did get there eventually but always seemed to take the scenic route along the way.
In conclusion, this was a series that started with a massive bang and though we get some closure offered here there are still plenty of answers I'm waiting on to be revealed at a later date.
I for one can't wait to delve and explore deeper into this fascinating landscape we have been shown here.
This one gets my five-star seal of approval it was a fantastic experience that I recommend highly.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of "Blood Laws (Immortal Curse #1)".
All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm ( )
  carpathian1974 | Nov 7, 2019 |

I adored this so so much, it was just such an imaginative and fascinating beginning to this series and one that I am most definitely on board and invested with all the way.
This author whilst relatively new to me has managed to pull it out the bag once again, this is the third book I have read by her and each one has managed to captivate and entrall from start to finish.
Definitely auto-buy for me now and I can't wait to see what she manages to bring forth next.
So, as usual, the world building here was up there with the best I've experienced to date and as an added incentive here the writing manages to drip-feed you into this fantastical world without confusing or totally overwhelming: very impressive undertaking indeed as the world is so vastly immense and intricate.
Each instalment in this series focuses on one couple, but there is an ongoing story arc that makes this a series that you will need to read in order if that makes sense.
This is actually a really hard premise to describe briefly but the short version to this is there are two opposing factions of supernaturals the Ichorians and the Hydraians who though currently at a ceasefire and a tentative declaration of a truce are actually on the brink of war breaking out.
Anastasiya Davenport and Issac Wakefield are somehow caught up in the middle of this conflict.
Obviously, there is a lot more to this than what Ive outlined here but that's the bare bones of it.
So characters: I adored the relationship dynamic between Anastasiya and Issac and the almost slow burn build up to there affair.
Though of slow burn in nature, this didn't miss out at all from that fact as there was plenty of sensual heated buildup provided to the main event.
The connection between these two was off the charts and projected off the page itself with its compelling intensity and I could feel their particular bond right down to my very bones themselves.
I also really did like Issac as a character and all his darlings and loves towards Anastasiya I found to be so incredibly charming indeed.
I especially appreciated Issac's ability to allow Aya to be her own person and make her own decisions regardless of how they impacted on his personal fear for her safety.
He respected her right to make her own choices which was refreshing.
Anastasiya I also liked but she could be a trifle naive in nature trusting a tad to blindly, she did get there eventually but always seemed to take the scenic route along the way.
In conclusion, this was a series that started with a massive bang and though we get some closure offered here there are still plenty of answers I'm waiting on to be revealed at a later date.
I for one can't wait to delve and explore deeper into this fascinating landscape we have been shown here.
This one gets my five-star seal of approval it was a fantastic experience that I recommend highly.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of "Blood Laws (Immortal Curse #1)".
All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm ( )
  carpathian1974 | Nov 7, 2019 |
Toon 5 van 5
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Lexi C. Fossprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Puckett, SarahVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Williams, KaleVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Science Fiction. HTML:

In a world where vampires and angels live in secret, one woman is prophesied to destroy them all.

Astasiya Davenport knows she's different. It's hard to miss her peculiar skillset when she can persuade everyone around her to do whatever she wants just by uttering a few words. But she's never understood where the ability came from.

Until she met him. Issac Wakefield. Billionaire extraordinaire. Vampire. A dark knight who should kill her, but offers her a deal instead.

He's full of secrets and answers and the truth about her past. But she'll have to betray everyone she knows in order to make him talk.

A lethal game begins.
Loyalties are tested.
And a forbidden love threatens to shatter them all.

An immortal war is coming. What side will you choose?

Start the internationally bestselling series today with Blood Laws, an award winning novel guaranteed to leave you on the edge of your seat.

Author's Note: This is a series and there will be cliffhangers.

2017 New Apple Book Awards Romance Solo Medalist Winner

* * *

"What are you wearing under this dress?" he asked, his mouth brushing hers, the words whisper-soft.

Not what she expected him to say. "E-excuse me?"

His teeth sank into her lower lip, making her yelp. "Focus."

On what? The demon club? The humans dying downstairs? The fact that you're a f*cking vampire? Where should I begin?

He sighed, his forehead falling to hers. "Astasiya, we have very little time to sort this before the Conclave. I need you to work with me. Both our lives depend on it. What are you wearing?"

She cleared her throat, her hold on his neck tightening as if needing his support to respond. And maybe she did. This was all a lot to take in. "A, uh, thong," she managed to say. "And a strapless bra." Both black and lacy, but she didn't add that part.

One of his hands drifted from her hair to her waist, then down to her ass. His palm flattened and forced her to arch up into him. A breath hitched in her throat at the feel of his growing arousal.

He's turned on... here... now?

She trembled, the heat of his body seeping into her cool skin, warming her blood. They were standing rather close. And he smelled amazing, as always.

Anywhere else, in the dark, she'd have kissed him.

But here...

"The dress will have to stay, then," he said, the disappointment evident in his voice.

She frowned. "What's wrong with my dress?" It hit her midthigh and clung to her curves. She looked good in it.
He ignored her, his mouth brushing hers in a chaste kiss as his hips pressed firmly into hers.

Definitely aroused.

"You're going to see things tonight that will make you want to scream, but you must remain calm and quiet. Mortals who overreact die, and they die badly."


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