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Astonishing X-Men by Charles Soule Vol. 2: A Man Called X

door Charles Soule

Reeksen: Astonishing X-Men [2017] (7-12 collected)

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Collects Astonishing X-Men (2017) #7-12. Charles Xavier is back! And he has a plan. He's going to save the world - whether the world likes it or not! But Charles may have made the greatest mistake of his life: Proteus, one of the most terrifying adversaries the X-Men have ever faced, has returned as well! But evil doesn't always know it's evil. Still reeling from their narrow escape from the Shadow King and the loss of a crucial ally, how will the mutant heroes face an enemy with the power to remake the world? As a reality storm batters London and its inhabitants, Psylocke must decide between trusting the mysterious man called X and letting her beloved city fall into ruin. Meanwhile, with the fate of the planet at stake, the X-Men choose their field commander for the looming battle against Proteus!.… (meer)
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This was an interesting arc. The story was ok? But the art and layouts were next level incredible easily bumping it up to 4 stars. It's hard to show that level of chaos while still being legible as a page to read and understand, and the art teams here did a fantastic job of it. ( )
  boredwillow | Mar 4, 2023 |
Some really messy storytelling and those double page spreads were just as bad, almost impossible to follow. The artwork suffered from being done by different artists in each issue, it gave the overall effect as a mish mash of quality and styles. ( )
  Lillian_Francis | Feb 24, 2021 |
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Astonishing X-Men [2017] (7-12 collected)
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Collects Astonishing X-Men (2017) #7-12. Charles Xavier is back! And he has a plan. He's going to save the world - whether the world likes it or not! But Charles may have made the greatest mistake of his life: Proteus, one of the most terrifying adversaries the X-Men have ever faced, has returned as well! But evil doesn't always know it's evil. Still reeling from their narrow escape from the Shadow King and the loss of a crucial ally, how will the mutant heroes face an enemy with the power to remake the world? As a reality storm batters London and its inhabitants, Psylocke must decide between trusting the mysterious man called X and letting her beloved city fall into ruin. Meanwhile, with the fate of the planet at stake, the X-Men choose their field commander for the looming battle against Proteus!.

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