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Kept Secrets

door Shawn McGuire

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Reeksen: Whispering Pines Mysteries (2)

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252945,914 (3.69)8
Tucked next to a pristine lake, the part-Medieval Europe, part-Renaissance Faire hamlet of Whispering Pines, Wisconsin is a utopia . . . except for the recent murders.One month after arriving in the Northwoods, former detective Jayne O'Shea has settled comfortably into small-town life and is making good progress with her task of getting her grandparents' house ready for sale. Then the shocking death of one of the carnies rocks the community, and the villagers look to Jayne for help, placing her in an impossible middle ground of not wanting to get involved and needing to ensure justice is served.When a second carney turns up dead, and the newly hired sheriff-more concerned with ticketing tourists than catching the killer-dismisses the death as an accident, Jayne has no choice but to step in. Can she uncover the truth before the murderer strikes again?… (meer)
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I read book 1 and had my doubts about trying any others since I absolutely, positively hated the main character. I know that's not good advertisement for a series...but Jane is pushy, judgmental and downright obnoxious. Every other character in the books except Jayne is fine...but I don't think you can build a series on secondary characters. I became fed up with her browbeating witnesses and the suspects alike, she's a police officer and should have had better training. Maybe she was absent the day that protocol was taught:). SHE knows everything and does it better than anyone else, from investigating to brewing coffee. Oh...and let's not forget how she excels above everyone else because she is the only person in the entire precinct...maybe the entire town... who can solve a murder! I thought it was funny and wanted to hit her upside the head with my book when she questioned why another character in the story didn't like her. Really??? Could it possibly be because you accused this person of killing her own daughter in the first book! The solution to the murder in this book was farfetched, rushed. I did like how the author respectfully portrayed people that are gender fluid and those with disabilities. Thank you for that. For those reasons alone, I will more than likely try Book 3....but please, with the royalties from the two books in this series, could you give Jane a personality transplant. ( )
  Carol420 | Dec 15, 2023 |
I received an ARC and this is an honest review.

I have to admit I did not see that ending coming. This series has been gripping since the beginning, but Kept Secrets is on a level of its own. Shawn McGuire is really coming into her own with this series. I believe many readers will look forward to each new installment.

The book can be read as a standalone but I would recommend that you read the series from the beginning. It is really worthwhile. There is a background mystery that new readers would not fully understand. I have to admit, I am intrigued. I want to know who and why, so I will be devouring each new book to see if it sheds any light.

As to Kept secrets, it has all the elements of a mystery suspense. Murders that point to all the wrong people, with the killer someone who I never suspected. The plot is well crafted and the characters are engaging and real. ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Shawn McGuireprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Murphy, SandraVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Tucked next to a pristine lake, the part-Medieval Europe, part-Renaissance Faire hamlet of Whispering Pines, Wisconsin is a utopia . . . except for the recent murders.One month after arriving in the Northwoods, former detective Jayne O'Shea has settled comfortably into small-town life and is making good progress with her task of getting her grandparents' house ready for sale. Then the shocking death of one of the carnies rocks the community, and the villagers look to Jayne for help, placing her in an impossible middle ground of not wanting to get involved and needing to ensure justice is served.When a second carney turns up dead, and the newly hired sheriff-more concerned with ticketing tourists than catching the killer-dismisses the death as an accident, Jayne has no choice but to step in. Can she uncover the truth before the murderer strikes again?

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