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Sex on the Beach Book Club

door Jennifer Apodaca

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552485,957 (3.62)1
She's a sharp-tongued, rebel P.I. who eats idiots for breakfast. He's a sexy bookstore owner who may or may not be a womanizing killer. Then again, nobody's perfect. . . Holly Hillbay is a kick-ass rule breaker with an 80's jacket-sized chip on her sexy shoulder. Want a piece of her? Get in line, pal. What Holly loves most is her job as a P.I. Bringing in pond scum who cheat on their wives makes her day. Like this guy, Wes Brockman, owner of Books on the Beach. Apparently, he's slipping between the covers with another man's wife. Joining Wes's cozy book club is the perfect way to get close to him and expose him for the lying, cheating, pseudo-intellectual creep that he is. He probably wears a turtleneck and a beret. Or not. . . Problem numero uno: Wes Brockman is one seriously sexy hunk of man who fires up Holly's dormant libido faster than she can say, "I'll take this in hardcover." The guy should come in a home game version. Plus, he's made it clear that Holly's in-your-face attitude is a total turn on. Gulp. Holly doesn't think Wes is having an affair--not yet, at least (note to self: bikini wax. . .)--but she's pretty sure the mysterious, dangerous vibe he gives off is no act. He's hiding something, and she intends to find out exactly what it is. . .especially when one of the book club members is found dead in the store's meeting room. Now, with a page opened to secret identities, blackmail, betrayal, murder, and sex on the beach (the drink) and, well, sex on the beach (not the drink), Holly's into a case that is anything but by-the-book and one that's riskier, hotter, and more delicious than she ever dreamed possible. . .… (meer)
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Holly Hillbay, PI and ex-cop from a family of cops has joined a book club at at store owned by Wes Brockman. She is there because a client says his wife is having an affair the Wes but Holly soon finds out that it is not Wes she is having the affair with.

Wes Brockman is living a pretend life, he left his other one under mysterious circumstances, he suspects there is more to Holly that she is letting on and when one of the book club members is murdered at the Book Store Wes hires Holly to find the murderer.

Along the way we find out that someone is after Wes and it is probably someone from his other life the question who it is and why are they after him? That's for Holly to find out.

There was times this story was good and at other times it was lacking, the mystery was a little iffy and didn't ring true all the way but it was a good read and I did like Wes and Holly. ( )
  bhryk0 | Jul 30, 2010 |
Leichte Krimikost ini der die Heldin teilweise mehr an das objekt in der Hose ihres Klienten interessiert scheint, als an der Aufklärung. Nette Unterhaltung mit einer prise Sex. ( )
  th-dolby | Jun 27, 2008 |
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She's a sharp-tongued, rebel P.I. who eats idiots for breakfast. He's a sexy bookstore owner who may or may not be a womanizing killer. Then again, nobody's perfect. . . Holly Hillbay is a kick-ass rule breaker with an 80's jacket-sized chip on her sexy shoulder. Want a piece of her? Get in line, pal. What Holly loves most is her job as a P.I. Bringing in pond scum who cheat on their wives makes her day. Like this guy, Wes Brockman, owner of Books on the Beach. Apparently, he's slipping between the covers with another man's wife. Joining Wes's cozy book club is the perfect way to get close to him and expose him for the lying, cheating, pseudo-intellectual creep that he is. He probably wears a turtleneck and a beret. Or not. . . Problem numero uno: Wes Brockman is one seriously sexy hunk of man who fires up Holly's dormant libido faster than she can say, "I'll take this in hardcover." The guy should come in a home game version. Plus, he's made it clear that Holly's in-your-face attitude is a total turn on. Gulp. Holly doesn't think Wes is having an affair--not yet, at least (note to self: bikini wax. . .)--but she's pretty sure the mysterious, dangerous vibe he gives off is no act. He's hiding something, and she intends to find out exactly what it is. . .especially when one of the book club members is found dead in the store's meeting room. Now, with a page opened to secret identities, blackmail, betrayal, murder, and sex on the beach (the drink) and, well, sex on the beach (not the drink), Holly's into a case that is anything but by-the-book and one that's riskier, hotter, and more delicious than she ever dreamed possible. . .

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