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Married to Laughter: A Love Story Featuring Anne Meara (2000)

door Jerry Stiller

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522510,826 (3.25)3
Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara began performing together in coffehouses in Greenwich Village in the 1960's, and then as frequent guests on The Ed Sullivan Show. They based their standup characters on exaggerated vrsions of themselves, especially in the irrepressible commercials for Blue Nun wine. Offstage they raised two children, Amy and Ben. After years of memorable work on stage and in radio, television, and films, Jerry Stiller found himself wondering what had happened to his once-flourishing career. Then a call came from Seinfeld, a television show he'd never watched. On Seinfeld he created the unforgettable character of Frank Costanza, which won him an Emmy nomination and an American Comedy Award. Meanwhile, Anne Meara became an acclaimed Off-Broadway playwright. MARRIED TO LAUGHTER is a love story about two showbiz-minded people who fell in love, discovered that they fell in love, discovered that they were their own greatest roles, enjoyed thriving careers that diverged and converged many times, and who take complete satisfaction form their individual accomplishments while maintaining a dedicated marriage. With a wealth of anecdotes about other famous actors and comedians, this is a funny and tender narrative, told as only Jerry Stiller could.… (meer)
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I was familiar with both Stiller and Meara, but not familiar with their act. His book seemed like Jerry was just sitting and chatting with you, recalling old times. ( )
  BoundTogetherForGood | Nov 3, 2020 |
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To Anne Meara, my wife, comedy partner and mother of Amy and Ben, who loves me still, for reasons known only to her.

To Amy and Ben, who with Anne are the most important people in my life.

To my mother, who taught me the lessons of life, but never made opening night.

To my father, never a faker.

To Arnie and Lynda, Doreen and Maxine, who enrich my life and make me proud to be their brother.

To Jack, Mickey, and all the Gartners, who made Anne, myself, Amy, and Ben a part of their family.

I was blessed by God with uncles, aunts, and cousins who opened their hearts to my dreams. Their loving feelings gave me strength when I needed it. Without that love, I could never have turned my dreams into reality.

I love you all.
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Prologue: It was my fifty-seventh birthday, June 8, 1984.
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Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara began performing together in coffehouses in Greenwich Village in the 1960's, and then as frequent guests on The Ed Sullivan Show. They based their standup characters on exaggerated vrsions of themselves, especially in the irrepressible commercials for Blue Nun wine. Offstage they raised two children, Amy and Ben. After years of memorable work on stage and in radio, television, and films, Jerry Stiller found himself wondering what had happened to his once-flourishing career. Then a call came from Seinfeld, a television show he'd never watched. On Seinfeld he created the unforgettable character of Frank Costanza, which won him an Emmy nomination and an American Comedy Award. Meanwhile, Anne Meara became an acclaimed Off-Broadway playwright. MARRIED TO LAUGHTER is a love story about two showbiz-minded people who fell in love, discovered that they fell in love, discovered that they were their own greatest roles, enjoyed thriving careers that diverged and converged many times, and who take complete satisfaction form their individual accomplishments while maintaining a dedicated marriage. With a wealth of anecdotes about other famous actors and comedians, this is a funny and tender narrative, told as only Jerry Stiller could.

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