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Car Wash door Sandra Steen
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Car Wash (editie 2001)

door Sandra Steen, Susan Steen, G. Brian Karas (Illustrator)

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13915203,483 (3.71)Geen
While sitting inside their car, two children enjoy the soapy sights and watery sounds of the car wash.
Titel:Car Wash
Auteurs:Sandra Steen
Andere auteurs:Susan Steen, G. Brian Karas (Illustrator)
Info:Putnam Juvenile (2001), Hardcover, 1 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:car wash, picture book, fun, imangination

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Car Wash door Sandra Steen

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This book is about two children that are in a car wash and all the different places their imagination take them while inside. For example, they see the giant scrubbers and they see it as a giant octopus.
media - oil pastel?? ( )
  MichaelaGennaro | Feb 26, 2018 |
Reading this picture book put a smile across my face throughout the whole story. When I first saw this book in the store, I immediately know I had to buy it just because I loved the illustrations so much! Each illustration fills the entire page and appears in a “scrap book look” with pictures cut and pasted together, beads glued on, 3D stickers, and colored pencil drawings. In my favorite illustration, the “seaweed”, which is what the twins refer to the mop-like cleaners in the car wash, takes up three-fourths of the pages and appears to be turquoise pieces of felt glued onto a painted yellow pole. I had to touch the page just to make sure that this photo is not 3D. Next the language in this book is written similar to the style of a poem. The sentences are very short, and include tons of metaphors that relate the car wash to being under the sea. For example, the book says “What’s that? Giant arms. Octopus. Whomp! Thomp!” In this scene, the twins were describing the giant rag that moves the soap around on the car to be an octopus. With this example, you can see that there are not many complete sentences on that page. This type of writing appears to be the same way children speak when they are just beginning to learn how to talk, which makes this book very relatable to children. Overall, the plot of this story was very interesting with the way the authors made the car wash appear to be a submarine ride under the sea. I thought that this was very neat because children have very vivid imaginations just like that. The big idea of this story is for the readers to allow their imagination to wonder. As soon as I began reading, my imagination began to wonder as I pictured a carwash like being under the sea. ( )
  KaylaHobson | Oct 16, 2015 |
Realistic fiction. It is a very easy read, lower levels like kinder or 1st. The story is about a family going out for lunch but first they need to go to the car wash. They go inside the car wash and the kids are all entertained they pretend they are in the ocean with all the animals. After the car is washed they go get lunch.
  Rsantoyo13 | Apr 6, 2015 |
This book breaks all the grammer rules but is a great little book for car wash. ( )
  daphnejohnson | Aug 3, 2014 |
I love reading this book to kids because they really like the imagination part and they like yelling car wash at the end!!
  kredlove | Dec 6, 2012 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Sandra Steenprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Steen, Susanprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Karas, G. BrianIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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While sitting inside their car, two children enjoy the soapy sights and watery sounds of the car wash.

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Gemiddelde: (3.71)
1 2
2 1
3 9
3.5 2
4 10
4.5 1
5 8

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