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I Will Always Find You: Book 1

door Willow Sanders

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324,220,023 (4)7
I Will Cammie Saint isn't a victim. Sure, she's had a string of bad luck, the apartment break in then the attack in the parking lot. Sometimes life hands you lemons. Why is everyone so interested in her case? Even the new neighbor is sniffing around for clues. There are things she wants from the neighborhood Officer Hottie, but an interrogation wasn't what she was thinking of. Always That's Special Agent Vaughn, DEA. Of all the places he thought he'd be, Kansas City wasn't one of them. Chasing Jefe for the last seven years had expelled the last bit of tolerance he had for chasing down bad guys. To say he was ready to put this case to bed would be like calling World War 2 a minor disagreement amongst countries. Jefe had taken too much from him. Time, and other things he didn't want to get into. He just needed to keep his eyes on the ball and definitely NOT on his new neighbor with an ass for days and a sad story. Find You Why is the Jefe cartel in Kansas City? A Colombian drug ring in Anywhere, USA? While Agent Vaughn searches for answers, Cammie finds herself thrown into a world she never expected. How will secrets from her past, compromise her future? What happens when someone who never wanted to be found, is discovered? I Will Always Find You is part one of a two-part series.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorrandaknight, Carol420, librarian515

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I loved this novel so much that I bought the next book in the series Found. The first few chapters...I wasn't sure if I would even like this book let alone love it. It does have a bit of a slow start. A few things could be slightly more condensed but I understand why Sanders included the build up of so many of the character even a few that could have been omitted such as Janet and Peter. I was constantly trying to fit the puzzle together between Ben and Camille since the chapters would switch between their point of view which was incredibly beneficial once their arcs crossed over. for the overview of the novel and the characters which I completely love even if the novel does end on a cliffhanger. If you are one of those people who despise cliffhangers either buy Found or skip this book. Although, I recommend buying Found, both novels are well worth the money.
Camille works in the communications division of the Kansas City Chiefs football team. She works long hours especially during the football season, but Camille or Cammie is a bit of a loner. She was raised to not depend on other or to make new friends. She was taught those things because her mother was always moving them around the country. Cammie never thought much about any of these traits until after two very different attacks against her. The first was when her apartment was robbed and two months later, when she was attacked and nearly kidnapped. This is how she met the local Kansas City Police officer Peter Parker who she nicknamed Spiderman and her home health nurse Janet. The attack left Cammie with numerous health issues since she was hit at the back of her brain stem.
Agent Benjamin Vaughn has been chasing down the Jefe Cartel for the last six years of his career in the DEA. He has already taken down the Mercado cartel a direct competitor for Jefe. Vaughn has already lost his best friend to the cartel--he won't lose anything else. After he tracks down and puts Jefe behind bars--he's done. A nice quiet ranch in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming. Ben didn't expect to be sent to Kansas City. Why in the world would the Jefe cartel be there? It is land locked most cartels are along large port cities. He goes where the leads and the DEA sends him. He is working with the KCPD, CIA, FBI, and Homeland to capture Jefe. Vaughn is missing a piece to the puzzle. Why does his beautiful neighbor fall into the pattern of criminal activity within the Jefe organization. What does Jefe want from Cammie? More importantly, why can't Ben stay away from her?
( )
  randaknight | Jan 2, 2022 |
It's not a bad story at all but not exactly my cuppa tea. I did however find that it was extremely easy to be entertained with this book. I liked the character of Agent Vaughn who is on the hunt for a notorious cartel leader. He doesn’t have the time for entanglements and Cammie was indeed an entanglement. The story was told from both Cammie's and Agent Vaughn's point of view which worked very well but it was just too much on the romance side for me but well worth 3 stars. ( )
  Carol420 | Jan 26, 2020 |
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I Will Cammie Saint isn't a victim. Sure, she's had a string of bad luck, the apartment break in then the attack in the parking lot. Sometimes life hands you lemons. Why is everyone so interested in her case? Even the new neighbor is sniffing around for clues. There are things she wants from the neighborhood Officer Hottie, but an interrogation wasn't what she was thinking of. Always That's Special Agent Vaughn, DEA. Of all the places he thought he'd be, Kansas City wasn't one of them. Chasing Jefe for the last seven years had expelled the last bit of tolerance he had for chasing down bad guys. To say he was ready to put this case to bed would be like calling World War 2 a minor disagreement amongst countries. Jefe had taken too much from him. Time, and other things he didn't want to get into. He just needed to keep his eyes on the ball and definitely NOT on his new neighbor with an ass for days and a sad story. Find You Why is the Jefe cartel in Kansas City? A Colombian drug ring in Anywhere, USA? While Agent Vaughn searches for answers, Cammie finds herself thrown into a world she never expected. How will secrets from her past, compromise her future? What happens when someone who never wanted to be found, is discovered? I Will Always Find You is part one of a two-part series.

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