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Sediryl has always yearned for responsibility-and power-and she was convinced she was ready for them... until the events of the Chatcaavan war demonstrated just how immense those responsibilities were, and just how parlous the power necessary to fulfill them. Even so, she's determined to prove herself worthy to her empress and all the Eldritch: the rich, the poor, the disenfranchised and the entrenched. Showing that she can be all things to all people is hard enough without Liolesa's former heir stirring the pot. And that's without Eldritch history casting its long shadow over the proceedings...She has less than a month to convince the Eldritch that she deserves the heir's coronet, and none of them can afford for her to fail. The road to the future leads through her cropfields, and only Sediryl can lead them to it... if they'll follow. Farmer's Crown completes the Jubilee Summer duology and sets the stage for the next generation of Peltedverse novels. There's a storm on the horizon...… (meer)
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Lovely! Pulls things together, though there's a couple strong threads to later stories. A very intense book - I was laughing aloud at many parts, and reading through tears a couple times. More! ( )
  jjmcgaffey | Jul 30, 2019 |
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In the end, poverty, putridity and pestilence; work, wealth and worry; health, happiness and hell, all simmer down into village problems. -- Martin H. Fischer.
Give me love and work--these two only. -- William Morris.
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All feasts were beautiful, because who couldn't love enormous spreads of food?
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Sediryl has always yearned for responsibility-and power-and she was convinced she was ready for them... until the events of the Chatcaavan war demonstrated just how immense those responsibilities were, and just how parlous the power necessary to fulfill them. Even so, she's determined to prove herself worthy to her empress and all the Eldritch: the rich, the poor, the disenfranchised and the entrenched. Showing that she can be all things to all people is hard enough without Liolesa's former heir stirring the pot. And that's without Eldritch history casting its long shadow over the proceedings...She has less than a month to convince the Eldritch that she deserves the heir's coronet, and none of them can afford for her to fail. The road to the future leads through her cropfields, and only Sediryl can lead them to it... if they'll follow. Farmer's Crown completes the Jubilee Summer duology and sets the stage for the next generation of Peltedverse novels. There's a storm on the horizon...

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